Monday, 24/2/2025 | 8:39 UTC+2


  • John F. Kennedy

    JOHN F. KENNEDY APRIL 27, 1961 SPEECH The President and the Press: American Newspaper Publishers Association Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen: I appreciate very much your generous invitation to be here tonight. You bear heavy responsibilities these days and an article I read some time ago reminded me of how particularly

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  • David Newman

    Made the fatal error of befriending Raviv. Within a week of Rabin’s murder he was dead, a suicide they said. He was the only son of a widow, I’m informed, totally broken by her loss and just too worn down to pursue her suspicions of foul play.

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  • Shmuel Cytryn

    They came to Israel to live free lives as proud Jews and Israelis. Then in 1995 their son Shmuel was arrested and placed in solitary confinement by the Shabak for over four months. To this day he doesn’t know the charges against him. We now understand why he went through the torture. In September, two

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  • Amiram Nir

    Former CIA deep cover agent Gene “Chip” Tatum on the murder of Amiram Nir. Abbreviated transcript of Gene Tatum’s appearance on the Rob Lori radio show out of Tampa, Florida: ROBERT LORI: Okay,  let’s  talk  about that. Amiram Nir  is an Israeli intelligence person. And I’m not sure whether he worked for the government or

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  • Yitzhak Rabin

    Who murdered Yitzhak Rabin by Barry Chamish I know who did it. In February 1996, journalist Yehoshua Meiri told me who did it and why. I arranged to have his claims videotaped. So certain was he of his information, that he tracked Joel down in England to let him know the facts. Meiri insisted that

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  • Wayne Owens

    Wayne owens, U.S. Congressman, murdered by “serial killer” Shimon Peres December 21, 2002 Here is why Rep. Wayne Owens was murdered in Tel Aviv. He is another victim of Shimon Peres’ decades old murderama. Let us begin with some background from the Washington Post before we sort out the murder: Friday, December 20, 2002; Page

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  • Marcelo Rojas

    The Damn water is Ours! In a defining struggle against globalization, the people of Cochabamba, Bolivia took back their water from the hands of a corporate conglomerate. Marcela López Levy talked to the water warriors. The writing is on the wall for water privatization: Marcelo Rojas on the streets of Cochabamba. Through the chaos of

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  • A.O. Velten

    I den beryktede Velten-saken, eller rettere sagt partipisksaken i Elverum Arbeiderparti i 1977, var A.O. Velten den person i A-partiets kommunestyre som ikke ble akseptert av gruppen dersom han ikke endret sin oppfatning i vei-saken.  (Se boken «I deres indre og for deres øyne», Lanser 1980.) I min anmeldelse av saken den gang brukte jeg

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  • Dr. Robert Countess

    Vilified by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and the intervenor lawyers in the most recent Political Show Trial case of Ernst Zündel. Background and contribution: The American Revisionist, former army chaplain, lecturer, writer and globe-trotting good-will ambassador, Dr. Robert Countess, was targeted for a special smear- and vilification campaign by Jewish intervenors at the Zündel

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