Sunday, 29/12/2024 | 4:53 UTC+2


  • U.S. government moves to muzzle dissident voices

    By Scott Martelle | Associated Press, December 7, 2004 In the summer of 1956, Russian poet Boris Pasternak — a favorite of the recently deceased Joseph Stalin — delivered his epic “Doctor Zhivago” manuscript to a Soviet publishing house, hoping for a warm reception and a fast track to readers who had shared Russia’s torturous

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  • Suppression of dissent, Definitions

    Suppression of dissent — action taken in an attempt to stop or penalise a person who makes a public statement or does something that is seen as a threat to a powerful interest group, such as a government, corporation or profession. Typical actions include ostracism, harassment, censorship, forced job transfer, reprimands and dismissal. Suppression is

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  • Serge Monast

    Serge Monast and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of “heart attacks” within weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease. Serge was in Canada. The other Canadian journalist was visiting Ireland. Prior to his death, the Canadian government abducted Serge’s daughter in an attempt to

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  • Ole Østlund

    Ole Østlund var snu operasjonsleder for Alexander Kielland, men fikk sparken fordi han tok sin oppgave for alvorlig, og ville i motsetning til myndighetene til bunns i årsaksforholdet. Østlund mener at plattformen ble utsatt for internasjonal sabotasje, og at det var eksplosjon som senket henne. Det er fra flere hold reist tvil om den årsak

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  • Emanuel Haug

    Da Emanuel Haug etter frigjøringen fikk vite at han var utpekt som landsforræder og anbefalt likvidert i et brev fra Hjemmefrontledelsen til London regjeringen, hvilket med den tids språkbruk betydde at han skulle drepes, gikk han til rettssak for å få mortifisert den injurierende påstand. Han krevde rapportskriveren straffet. Haug vendte seg til Utenriksdepartementet for

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  • Israel Shahak

    Israel Shahak (Hebrew: ישראל שחק‎, April 28, 1933 – July 2, 2001) was a Polish-born Israeli Professor of Chemistry at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the former president of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights, and an outspoken critic of the Israeli government. Shahak’s writings on Judaism have been the source of considerable controversy.

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  • Israel Shamir

    Israeli Jew who tells the truth about mistreatment of Palestinian. Israel Shamir is the one brave Jew that tells us as it is that the Jewish goal is not to take Palestine. They want to have the whole World he says, The Jewish New World Order. Their messianic age (the anti-Christ age).

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  • Jack Bernstein

    Wrote the book ‘The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel‘. Written in 1985 by Jack Bernstein. Jack Bernstein was later murdered by the Israeli Mossad.

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  • Fritz Springmeier

    Fritz Springmeier, the author of a number of significant books on the Illuminati, government mind control and the New World Order is currently sitting off a 9 years sentence in Federal prison. He is the author of news-breaking books like, “The 13 Satanic Bloodlines of the Illuminati”, “Be Wise As Serpents”, “The Illuminati Formula…” and

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  • Victor Ostrovsky

    “When Israels Mossad set out to break me, it found its helpers here at home” by Victor Ostrovsky Victor Ostrovsky published two books on his experiences as a former Intelligence agent working for the State of Israel: By Way of Deception and The Other side of Deception. In these he recorded his personal observations made

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Dissident Net

A transparancy and non-corruption of justice or people activity by


December 2024