Monday, 9/9/2024 | 1:45 UTC+2


  • Hans Nielsen Hauge

    Helt fra første stund som legpredikant, fikk Hans Nielsen Hauge mange venner og fiender. Men han  hadde en klar forståelse av, at de som tror splittelse i seg selv er et bevis på at Guds ånd ikke er tilstede, umulig kan forstå kampen mellom det gode og det onde. Året var 1796. Den norske Lutherske

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  • Bertram Dybwad Brochmann

    “Det her nevnte får innledningsvis være nok til å forklare at jeg med all min kraf og tro og evne i Jesus Kristi navn erklærer vår skole og det kristnede statshedenskap og den kristnede mammondyrkelse og jødedom krig så lenge jeg lever“, sa han på s. 22 av sin bok “Verdens Frelser. Sett og opplevet”.

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  • Alexander Ginzburg

    Alexander Ginzburg and the Resistance to Totalitarian Evil, Then and Now By Jamie Glazov | August 6, 2002 Alexander Ginzburg, 65, a former leading Soviet dissident, died on July 19, 2002 in his adopted city of Paris. Ginzburg fought for human rights during the Khrushchev and Brezhnev eras and was frequently jailed for his

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  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was becoming a dissident against the U.S.S.R. and the restricting communist government after he was arrested for the first time. He, through his entire life, was willing to sacrifice everything he had in order to point out that censorship was wrong and people should be able to speak their mind. ————— About his

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  • Emile Zola, 1840 – 1902

    Emile Zola was a French journalist turned novelist. His novels were attacked and even banned for their frankness and sordid detail, causing quite a bit of controversy in their day. In 1898 he incurred the wrath of officials when he published the open letter “J’Accuse,” in defense of Alfred Dreyfus, an Army officer who had

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  • Alfred Dreyfus, 1859 – 1935

    In 1894 Captain Alfred Dreyfus of France was accused of selling military secrets to Germany. In 1894, French Captain Alfred Dreyfus was tried for high treason and sentenced to life imprisonment in total isolation on Devil’s Island, off the coast of the peal colony of French Guiana. It took many years for the truth to

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  • Harry Lindstrøm

    Les i Prosessen mot Lindstrøm om hvor ille det kan gå enkeltmennesker når politikere, media, politi og rettsvesen spiller på lag. “Det er blitt en bok som bør være å finne i alle redaksjoner, på politiske partikontorer, advokatkotorer, og i mange eksemplarer på Stortingets bibliotek….. Det er nemlig et politisk justismord boken forteller om.” Tidligere

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  • Jonathan Pollard

    SHIMON PERES IS KEEPING JONATHAN POLLARD IN PRISON (The Real Reason Why Pollard Sits) by Barry Chamish In early May, ’03, I was hired by a group of Israelis now organizing rallies on behalf of Joanathan Pollard’s freedom to find out why, defying all reason, he is still sitting in prison. The people who approached

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  • Shmuel Cytryn

    They came to Israel to live free lives as proud Jews and Israelis. Then in 1995 their son Shmuel was arrested and placed in solitary confinement by the Shabak for over four months. To this day he doesn’t know the charges against him. We now understand why he went through the torture. In September, two

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  • Marcelo Rojas

    The Damn water is Ours! In a defining struggle against globalization, the people of Cochabamba, Bolivia took back their water from the hands of a corporate conglomerate. Marcela López Levy talked to the water warriors. The writing is on the wall for water privatization: Marcelo Rojas on the streets of Cochabamba. Through the chaos of

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Dissident Net

A transparancy and non-corruption of justice or people activity by


September 2024