Tuesday, 22/10/2024 | 11:43 UTC+2


  • Haviv Schieber

    Driven to attempted suicide Background and contribution: A Polish Jew and former mayor of Ber Sheeba in Israel, Schieber taught Ernst Zündel much about Israeli reality. He was an Israeli Revisionist, wanting to revise Israel’s attitudes, institutions and borders. He fled Israel to find safety in the USA, was denied political asylum at first, and

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  • Professor Arthur Butz

    Vilified and persecuted for almost three decades. Background and contribution: An American electrical engineer and university professor, Butz wrote the “Bible” of modern Revisionism titled “The Hoax of the 20th Century”. This book, which deals with most details of Holocaust lore from “shrunken heads” to “Jewish soap” and “gassing” claims, more than any other influenced

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  • Joseph Burg (Ginzburg)

    Persecuted and beaten by Holocaust Enforcers of Jewish Defense League type thugs. Denied burial in the Munich Jewish cemetery. (Ernst Zündel and Otto Ernst Remer gave the eulogies.) Background and contribution: Author of many books (“Schuld und Schicksal”, “Zionazi”, “Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank”, “Auschwitz in alle Ewigkeit” etc.) as well as many pamphlets and

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  • Judge Wilhelm Stäglich

    Was tried and convicted in post-war German courts. Had his doctorate stripped from him and his pension cut for speaking out. Background and contribution: Judge Stäglich, stationed during WWII in the Auschwitz area with an anti-aircraft unit, published a groundbreaking book “Der Auschwitz Mythos” (The Auschwitz Myth) – seized, forbidden and destroyed by West German

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  • Thies Christophersen

    Forced to flee from country to country. Hounded to death after numerous acid attacks, arson, and attempts on his life and property. Background and contribution: As a German agrarian expert, Christophersen was stationed at Auschwitz in the critical period 1943-44. As a German expert, he had access to the entire camp. He took valuable photographs

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  • Dr. Robert Faurisson

    At least 10 times physically assaulted by Holocaust Enforcers; on several occasions nearly killed. Jaws broken. Teeth knocked out. Hospitalized for weeks. Persecuted mercilessly in endless legal battles. Background and contribution: Known as the “Dean of the world-wide Revisionist movement” and principal teacher of Ernst Zündel, Dr. Faurisson first discovered the technical and architectural drawings

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  • Dr. Fredrick Toben

    Though German in origin, Dr. Fredrick Toben was raised in Australia as an Australian citizen, and speaks both English and German. Becoming interested in exonerating the German people from the anti-German racism of the Holocaust legend, he at first edited a revisionist journal called Truth Missions, which was later renamed Adelaide Institute Newsletter. He then

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  • Johan Jørgen Holst

    Ikke autorisert fra “de som har snakket sammen” til å lage Oslo-avtalen. Et beleilig dødsfall. ‘heart-attacked’ ala Jorgen Holst. Norwegian Prime Minister who provided the meeting center of Oslo Accords. Noen ønsket ikke en fredsavtale av denne sort. Norulv Øvrebotten var Johan Jørgen Host’s personlige sekretær, og dermed bygger Arne Haugestad i boken Kappefall om

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  • Tran Khue

    By Julia Scheeres  |   04:00 PM Apr. 18, 2002 PT A free speech advocacy group is calling for the release of three Vietnamese dissidents who were recently arrested after they criticized the communist regime on the Internet. “These are just more examples of how the Vietnamese authorities are censuring freedom of expression,” said Vincent Brossell,

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  • Le Chi Quang

    By Julia Scheeres  |   04:00 PM Apr. 18, 2002 PT A free speech advocacy group is calling for the release of three Vietnamese dissidents who were recently arrested after they criticized the communist regime on the Internet. “These are just more examples of how the Vietnamese authorities are censuring freedom of expression,” said Vincent Brossell,

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