Sunday, 16/3/2025 | 4:12 UTC+2


  • Wayne Owens

    Wayne owens, U.S. Congressman, murdered by “serial killer” Shimon Peres December 21, 2002 Here is why Rep. Wayne Owens was murdered in Tel Aviv. He is another victim of Shimon Peres’ decades old murderama. Let us begin with some background from the Washington Post before we sort out the murder: Friday, December 20, 2002; Page

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  • Marcelo Rojas

    The Damn water is Ours! In a defining struggle against globalization, the people of Cochabamba, Bolivia took back their water from the hands of a corporate conglomerate. Marcela López Levy talked to the water warriors. The writing is on the wall for water privatization: Marcelo Rojas on the streets of Cochabamba. Through the chaos of

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  • A.O. Velten

    I den beryktede Velten-saken, eller rettere sagt partipisksaken i Elverum Arbeiderparti i 1977, var A.O. Velten den person i A-partiets kommunestyre som ikke ble akseptert av gruppen dersom han ikke endret sin oppfatning i vei-saken.  (Se boken «I deres indre og for deres øyne», Lanser 1980.) I min anmeldelse av saken den gang brukte jeg

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  • Dr. Robert Countess

    Vilified by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and the intervenor lawyers in the most recent Political Show Trial case of Ernst Zündel. Background and contribution: The American Revisionist, former army chaplain, lecturer, writer and globe-trotting good-will ambassador, Dr. Robert Countess, was targeted for a special smear- and vilification campaign by Jewish intervenors at the Zündel

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  • Doug Collins

    Harassed and vilified by the BC Human Rights Commisson. Financially penalized. Background and contribution: Doug Collins was a British soldier in World War II. He was captured and escaped several times. He worked in an intelligence capacity with the British Control Commission in occupied Germany after the war. He emigrated to Canada in the 1950s

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  • Abbe Pierre

    Victim of fierce world-wide media vilification. Background and contribution: Considered a male “Mother Theresa” for his altruistic dedication to the poor of France, this famous pro-Marxist French cleric endorsed Roger Garaudy‘s Revisionist book – and was almost crucified by a vitriolic media reaction. The Holocaust Enforcers made a huge mistake picking on this man. He

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  • Roger Garaudy

    Garaudy’s work, “The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics,” doubts the widely accepted belief that six million Jews were systematically exterminated by the Nazis in World War II. It says the Jews suffered “massacres” that did not amount to genocide. Garaudy, a former Roman Catholic who converted to Islam after being expelled from the Communist Party

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  • Jean Marie Le Pen

    Charged, convicted and under political sanctions in France. Background and contribution: The flamboyant French leader of the “Front National”, the largest and most promising nationalist political party in Europe, “belittled” the Holocaust and called it “a mere detail, a footnote in the history of WWII” – apparently using the phrase on three different occasions! He

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  • Nick Griffin

    Charged, tried, convicted and fined in England. Background and contribution: Famous for his recent court case over pictures and words published in the magazine “The Rune”, Griffin, a well-known British political activist, was charged, tried and convicted as a sacrificial lamb on the altar of Tony Blair’s election promises – to be “tougher on Revisionists

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  • Ahmed Rami

    Tried, convicted and imprisoned in Sweden. Background and contribution: Rami is a former Moroccan military officer living in exile in Sweden, where he used to run “Radio Islam”, a radio program that was closed down due to Holocaust Lobby pressure. He was tried and convicted in Sweden for his Revisionist views and served a nine

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