Frank Walus
18. October, 2008Attacked seven times by Jewish assailants; nearly killed in an acid attack. Lost his US citizenship and his home to pay for his defense. Background and contribution: A Polish German-American auto worker, Walus was targeted and accused falsely by Simon Wiesenthal to be a “Nazi War Criminal.” Vilified by the US media in a vicious
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Jim Keegstra
18. October, 2008Lost his job and his reputation was destroyed. Prevented an arson attempt against him. Was convicted to a $3,000 fine after 10 years of costly litigation. Was financially ruined by his ordeal. Background and contribution: A Canadian school teacher of Dutch background, Keegstra taught both sides of the Holocaust and other questions of history. He
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Professor Austin App
18. October, 2008Persecuted for his courageous and tireless truth campaign for two generations on behalf of German-Americans. Background and contribution: A German-American community leader and author of many booklets and tracts – among them “The Six Million Swindle,” “Action on a War Crime,” “The Bombing Atrocity of Dresden,” “Ravaging the women of Conquered Europe,” and many others
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Ditlieb Felderer
18. October, 2008Charged, tried, convicted and jailed in Sweden. Vilified in the press. Forced to live in exile. Background and contribution: Felderer, at one time a prominent Jehovah’s Witness, is known as an early researcher into the physical evidence in every major concentration camp in then Communist Eastern Europe. Felderer took over 30,000 photographs of every conceivable
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Francois Duprat
18. October, 2008Killed for distributing the French language version of “Did Six Million Really Die?” Background and contribution: A French writer, historian and educator, Duprat had introduced the booklet “Did Six Million Really Die?” in France by publishing the first French translation. He also published “The Mystery of the Gas Chamber.” He was only 38 years old
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Haviv Schieber
18. October, 2008Driven to attempted suicide Background and contribution: A Polish Jew and former mayor of Ber Sheeba in Israel, Schieber taught Ernst Zündel much about Israeli reality. He was an Israeli Revisionist, wanting to revise Israel’s attitudes, institutions and borders. He fled Israel to find safety in the USA, was denied political asylum at first, and
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Professor Arthur Butz
18. October, 2008Vilified and persecuted for almost three decades. Background and contribution: An American electrical engineer and university professor, Butz wrote the “Bible” of modern Revisionism titled “The Hoax of the 20th Century”. This book, which deals with most details of Holocaust lore from “shrunken heads” to “Jewish soap” and “gassing” claims, more than any other influenced
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Joseph Burg (Ginzburg)
18. October, 2008Persecuted and beaten by Holocaust Enforcers of Jewish Defense League type thugs. Denied burial in the Munich Jewish cemetery. (Ernst Zündel and Otto Ernst Remer gave the eulogies.) Background and contribution: Author of many books (“Schuld und Schicksal”, “Zionazi”, “Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank”, “Auschwitz in alle Ewigkeit” etc.) as well as many pamphlets and
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Judge Wilhelm Stäglich
18. October, 2008Was tried and convicted in post-war German courts. Had his doctorate stripped from him and his pension cut for speaking out. Background and contribution: Judge Stäglich, stationed during WWII in the Auschwitz area with an anti-aircraft unit, published a groundbreaking book “Der Auschwitz Mythos” (The Auschwitz Myth) – seized, forbidden and destroyed by West German
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Thies Christophersen
18. October, 2008Forced to flee from country to country. Hounded to death after numerous acid attacks, arson, and attempts on his life and property. Background and contribution: As a German agrarian expert, Christophersen was stationed at Auschwitz in the critical period 1943-44. As a German expert, he had access to the entire camp. He took valuable photographs
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