Tuesday, 11/2/2025 | 2:17 UTC+2

Jorg Haider

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Jorg Haider Assassinated.

Who Was Jorge Haider?

Jörg Haider (January 26, 1950 – October 11, 2008)[1] was an Austrian politician. He was Governor of Carinthia and Chairman of the “Alliance for the Future of Austria” . He was the leader of the Austrian Freedom Party.

Basically, he was a very appealing Austrian nationalist, that was in the spotlight recently because of the resurgence of Austrians wanting to take back their government from Zionist control.

The Timing

The world’s economies are imploding, and as people become angry, they look for solutions. Haider was openly blaming the Zionist world bankers, and his audience base just exploded.



Great Leaders Come To Power During Troubled Times

When people see their jobs disappear, their stocks and houses implode, and that is when they are ripe for a powerful leader, one such person was Huey Long. He was to challenged Roosevelt, until a Zionist named Weiss assassinated him.

How Was Haider Assassinated?

The most likely scenario, is that a team of Mossad agents chased him, and Haider fearing for his life was doing close to 100 MPH minimum. The car had been rigged and hit an embankment. Next, a sayanim/Mossad agent got out and finished him off. The speedometer was stuck at 142 km.

The Logic

You don’t flip a $120,000 Phaeton three times, and get killed, doing 31 MPH.

Is Israel Worried?

They could care less. They invaded Lebanon in 1986, bombed orphanages, strafed civilian convoys, and even killed a Canadian Major by bombing a U.N. outpost.

The American ADL Had A Dossier On Haider
Haider is a dangerous right-wing extremist who exploits Austria’s disenchantment with the perennial ruling parties to advance his xenophobic, racist and intolerant policies. Throughout his public career, Haider has consistently parried accusations of anti-Semitism. His record, however, reveals numerous statements utilizing Holocaust terminology and legitimizing Nazi policy and activities. 6

How Was Haider’s Car Controlled?
For less than $400 you can install a GPS tracking system that records a car’s position, and can control it’s functions (starting, stopping, alarms, fuel shut-off, etc). His car had an electronic accelerator system, which ran through the car’s computer. An RF control unit could control it.



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