Tuesday, 22/10/2024 | 12:12 UTC+2

Richard Wurmbrand

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“Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned for 14 years in Europe for his outspoken views against communism, urges Christians not to be duped by Marxism’s benevolent disguise as a mere political or economic theory. He reveals the true root of Marxist thinking so that Christians will recognize the evil therein and stand against it.”

From Wurmbrand’s book “Marx and Satan”

Richard Wurmbrand, the youngest of four boys, was born in 1909 in Bucharest in a Jewish family. He lived with his family in Istanbul for a short while; his father died when he was 9, and the Wurmbrands returned to Romania when he was 15.

As an adolescent, he was sent to study Marxism in Moscow, but returned clandestinely the following year. Pursued by Siguranţa Statului (the secret police), he was arrested and held in Doftana prison. When returning to his mother country, Wurmbrand was already an important Comintern agent, leader and coordinator directly paid from Moscow. Like other Romanian communists he was arrested several times, then sentenced and released again.

He married Sabina Oster on October 26, 1936. Wurmbrand and his wife became believers in Jesus as Messiah in 1938 through the witness of Christian Wolfkes, a Romanian Christian carpenter; they joined the Anglican Mission to the Jews. Wurmbrand was ordained twice – first as an Anglican, then, after World War II, as a Lutheran pastor.

In 1944, when the Soviet Union occupied Romania as the first step to establishing a communist regime, Wurmbrand began a ministry to his Romanian countrymen and to Red Army soldiers. When the government attempted to control churches, he immediately began an “underground” ministry to his people. Richard is remembered for his courage in standing up in a gathering of church leaders and denouncing government control of the churches.[1] He was arrested on February 29, 1948, while on his way to church services.[2]


Wurmbrand, who passed through the penal facilities of Craiova, Gherla, the Danube-Black Sea Canal, Văcăreşti, Malmaison, Cluj, and ultimately Jilava, spent three years in solitary confinement. His wife, Sabina, was arrested in 1950 and spent three years in penal labour on the canal.

Pastor Wurmbrand was released from his first imprisonment in 1956, after eight and a half years. Although he was warned not to preach, he resumed his work in the underground church. He was arrested again in 1959 and sentenced to 25 years. During his imprisonment, he was beaten and tortured.

Eventually, he was a recipient of an amnesty in 1964. Concerned with the possibility that Wurmbrand would be forced to undergo further imprisonment, the Norwegian Mission to the Jews and the Hebrew Christian Alliance negotiated with Communist authorities for his release from Romania for $10,000. He was convinced by underground church leaders to leave and become a voice for the persecuted church.[3]

Exile and mission

Wurmbrand travelled to Norway, England, and then the United States.


Having been a prisoner of the Communist government in Romania, Rev. Richard Wurmbrand has thoroughly researched his subject and seen its effects firsthand. He and his wife founded Jesus to the Communist World to help Christians who suffer at the hands of communism and Marxism. Wurmbrand has over a dozen books in print here and in Europe, among them:

  • To cared for Chris
  • One Hundred Prison Meditations
  • Where Christ Still Suffers
  • Answer to the Moscow Atheists

“Marx began life in a God fearing family. It is documented that he was once a Christian. But a drastic change at some point in his life led Karl Marx to a deep personal rebellion against God and all Christian values. Eventually, he became a Satan worshipper who regularly participated in occult practices and habit. By examining Marx’s poetry, plays, correspondence, and biographical account, Richard Wurmbrand builds a convincing case for Marx’s undeniably Satanic preference. Marx’s own statements expose him as a hater of God, and therefore, a hater of God’s creatures those who have suffered under Marxism and communism. “

From Wurmbrand’s book “Marx and Satan”


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