Thursday, 6/3/2025 | 3:32 UTC+2

Rik Clay

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R.I.P. Rik Clay (26 y.o.)  – Murdered for telling what he found out ?

The Cosmic Mind: Zion 2012 Olympics – June 8, 2008
RedIceCreations: Researcher Rik Clay who is behind the blog “The Cosmic Mind” joins us to discuss his findings about the Zion Olympics in London leading up to the end game year 2012. Rik presents his thesis in this very interesting two segment program. We begin to discuss how RIk got into the subject matter and then go into the connection with numerology and synchronicity. Topics Discussed: 11:11, pyramid numerology, Solar Eclipse, September Eleventh, The Birth of Christ, Zion, Summer Olympics 1972 Münich, 1984 Los Angeles, Eye Symbolism, Corporate Symbolism, Joining of Islam and Christianity, Angel Gabriel, William Blake, Wally Olins and much more. Join us in the members section as we continue our discussion with Rik about the 2012 Olympics and how this event in a ritualistic way is connect with zion and the “end game messiah”.

Died of  ‘adrenal breakdown’ (?).  That’s normally caused by tumours or something like Addisons disease. Not by short periods of stress in a young person. What kind of remote weapons have been used ?

2012 Transition of the Ages – 1:29:08

Rik Clay walks us through his staggering research that suggest’s a significant Event of the Ages is planned for the 2012 Summer Olympics in Stratford, London. A whole new way of looking at Rik’s work. Enjoy

Researcher Rik Clay who is behind the blog “The Cosmic Mind” joins us to discuss his findings about the Zion Olympics in London leading up to the end game year 2012. Rik presents his thesis in this very interesting two segment program. We begin to discuss how RIk got into the subject matter and then go into the connection with numerology and synchronicity. Topics Discussed: 11:11, pyramid numerology, Solar Eclipse, September Eleventh, The Birth of Christ, Zion, Summer Olympics 1972 Münich, 1984 Los Angeles, Eye Symbolism, Corporate Symbolism, Joining of Islam and Christianity, Angel Gabriel, William Blake, Wally Olins and much more.

Occult Researcher Rick Clay possibly suicided?

About Me (Rik Clay)

Aged 25, I attended and completed both compulsory education (the national mind-control curriculum) and university, whilst working on a musical endeavour in which I released 2 albums nationwide, shot music videos and toured the UK & Europe religiously. My band ‘FULC’ received rave reviews and praise in the likes of Kerrang, Metal Hammer and Rock Sound magazine. The band occupied a good 6 years of my life in which I was lead guitarist and backing vocalist.

Due to my musical passion, I developed skills in graphic design / web design / flash and all other things multimedia, as an aid for promotion.

Shortly after FULC’s demise in 2005, I began my own solo electronica project called ‘Somewhere Not Here’ and teamed up with the guys in ‘Ten Seconds Of Chaos’ from Leeds. Both were short-lived due to my urge for some true personal development.

I realised a ‘real job’ was needed to fund my aspirations. Seven years, working in local independent record stores had to come to an end, and so I moved on to what I thought was the dream job – but oh, how I was wrong.

Ethical travel company! Who thought of that one? An ethical travel company who’s owner becomes a millionaire and buys a mansion in Greece, and then sells out to First Choice Holidays… poor poor gullible students. Never take an organised ‘Gap Year’ – do it yourselves!

And so my perceptions started to shift to cut a long story short…

I travelled to Egypt and took a boat up the Nile from Aswan to Luxor before moving on to Cairo to see the pyramids at Giza, Saqqara and Dashur. Meditating in the ‘Kings Chamber’ is one of those experiences you’ll never forget.

On my return, I was introduced to Julia, a lady who was to become my Reiki Master. Over a series of weeks, Julia trained me to Reiki Level II – a life changing gift.

The summer of 2007, showed me the true meaning of synchronicity. Experiences, too long and complicated to explain, involved the crop circles in Wiltshire, Glastonbury, Daniel Pinchbeck (author of 2012: The Year Of The Mayan Prophecy), David Shayler (self-declared reincarnation of the Yeshua spirit), Stonehenge, Avebury and the islands of Malta and Gozo.

Along came winter, leaving me no option but to start my studies… oh and squeeze a trip to the Yucatan

Where I stand today? There is a problem with the state of our environment. There is a problem with society. There is a problem with our governments. There is a problem with this corrupt pyramid of power enslaving our planet. But… there is hope!

It is my belief that, come the Olympics 2012, we are going to see one of the largest hoaxes ever perpetrated on man. This may involve extraterrestrial visitation alongside that of a biblical ‘second coming’. All I can warn, is that when the time comes, do not be duped! By any of it!
I don’t ask you believe in my truth… please, find your own… just don’t allow the TV / magazines and press to find it for you.

12th June 2008, Rik does the Redice interview. He’s upbeat, happy, looking forward to revealing more stuff.

13th June 2008. 8.24am he’s posting, happily

9.51am, he’s posting again happily, promising ‘full expose of the music industry coming soon’.

His father said that he suddenly came down with adrenal problems? and
“it’s total shutdown and he doesn’t have the capacity to even contemplate going on the web..”

Yet Rik’s blog came down on the 13th June 2008. So if Rik suddenly became so ill that day, after posting that he was going to reveal stuff, so ill that he didn’t have the capacity to contemplate going on the web – then who took down his blog?

Rik Clay found dead in his bed, few days after his interview with Red Ice Creations on August of 2008.

Copies of his site and further information:
A recreation of his research with additional work (the original blog has been removed from the internet) can be found here:
The whole video without the censorship of the first part as it is seen at YouTube can be found here:


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