Friday, 24/1/2025 | 12:02 UTC+2

Ernst Zundell

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In 1984, Ernst Zundel was charged for “spreading false news” by a wealthy Holocaust survivor, Sabina Citron, on the basis of two documents: “The West, War, and Islam” and “Did Six Million Really Die?” At the conclusion of a dramatic seven-week, head-line making trial, he was pronounced innocent of having “spread false news” with his 4-page pamphlet, “The West, War, and Islam” but was pronounced guilty for having published – not written! – “Did Six Million Really Die?”

The rest is history.

Ever since, as all the world now knows, the Zundel name became synonymous with “Holocaust Denier.”

The first pamphlet was conveniently forgotten. The booklet, “Did Six Million Really Die?” became the Zundel Mark of Cain.

Canadian authorities quietly shipped Ernst Zundel to Mannheim, Germany under cloak of night. Once his flight landed, Zundel was placed under arrest and taken into custody to stand trial for hate crime charges that were filed on behalf of the German people in 2003.

Indeed, aside from this flight, Zundel has only briefly seen the outside of a prison cell since his abduction from his home in Tennessee by U.S. agents and subsequent deportation to Canada. His exile to Germany is the culmination of a two-year “Star Chamber”-style legal proceeding in which Zundel was unable to question witnesses, examine available evidence or even know precisely what he was being charged with. The court’s ruling, however, was inevitable – Ernst Zundel presented a grave risk to national and international security, and he had to go. The quicker the better.

What precisely has Zundel done that’s incurred the wrath of three powerful nations? He’s questioned the accepted views of the Holocaust. Does he acknowledge Jewish persecution during the second World War? Yes. Does he agree with the official position on casualties and methods? No – and he wants a dialogue with anyone who will listen.

And therein lies the problem. In Germany (and many other nations), questioning the Holocaust is a crime. Ernst Zundel is being persecuted for a belief. Anyone besides me feel that’s wrong?

Only recently has Ernst been cleverly “re-christened” by Judge Blais, a former CSIS boss, as the world’s most influential “White Supremacist”, allegedly intent on “destabilizing Germany” and being an “international threat to the community of nations.”


Ernst now in his sixties is in jail in Germany for truthsaying mostly about the falsities of the Holocaust. This man is having a hard time because of his information. Wether right or wrong he shouldn’t be jailed for thought crime. The west is not free and far from it. Because someone doesn’t believe and questions an offical line this doesn’t mean they are neo-nazi although the establishment will frame them and make them look this way with phony news articles and stories.


Three documented assassination attempts by fire and pipe bombs. Endless legal harassment leading to repeated jailings and bankrupting of his graphic arts business.

Background and contribution:
Nicknamed the “Revisionist Dynamo” or the “Revisionist Renaissance Man” for his untiring Revisionist Truth Campaign and his comprehensive grasp of complex political issues, Zündel – more than any other Revisionist on earth – caused the Holocaust Hoax to become a mainstream topic of discussion. Extensive chronological biography on the Zundelsite.

Zundel was detained the last two years in Canada
in solitary confinement without charge and
not allowed to see the case against him.


Jewish groups in Canada couldn’t wait to see him gone.

Holocaust denier Zundel deported
Supporters, foes unhappy at legal treatment
by Colin Perkel, Canada East, Feb 28, 2005

Toronto (CP) – Friends and foes alike complained Monday about the use of Canada’s powerful national-security laws to detain and deport infamous Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel. While Zundel’s supporters bitterly criticized the legal proceedings as a sham, even those who despise his views said the legal process was dangerous to freedoms Canadians cherish. “Zundel is a nasty character and Canadians understandably would like to get rid of him,” said Alan Borovoy of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. “But I don’t think it’s fair to pay a price that is so potentially damaging to civil liberties.” Zundel, 65, who has no criminal record in Canada, was scheduled to be put on a plane to Mannheim, Germany on Tuesday, ending his more than four decades in Canada as a landed resident.

After hearing evidence from Canada’s spy agency, much of it kept secret even from Zundel and his lawyers, a Federal Court judge sided with the government last week that the German citizen threatened national security. Justice Pierre Blais, a former head of the spy agency, concluded Zundel was an influential figure among international new-Nazi and white supremacist groups that have resorted to violence to further their political aims. “Zundel’s activities are not only a threat to Canada’s national security but also a threat to the international community of nations,” Blais said.

In a web-based response, Zundel’s U.S.-based wife Ingrid Zundel attacked the justice system. “Canadians might want to ask themselves if they really want a country and care to finance a system where inconvenient dissidents can be imprisoned for years without ever knowing why, just like in Stalin’s days.” she said.

The use of national security certificates, toughened after the 9/11 attacks in the U.S., have come under increasing domestic criticism. “I’m certainly not a fan of (Zundel’s) racist views,” said Matthew Behrens of Campaign to Stop Secret Trials in Canada, which has lobbied for the release of six Muslim men detained in Canada as suspected terrorists. “Regardless of who they are, I don’t think anyone should be subject to a security certificate where they’re not allowed to see the case against them.”

At the Toronto West Detention Centre, where Zundel was detained the last two years in solitary confinement without charge, guards were busy clearing out his cell Monday. Citing security concerns, Immigration authorities refused to tell even close associates which flight he would be on. “Security has become the catch-all reason for denying people access to information.” said supporter Paul Fromm. “His lawyer is not even allowed to see him off. What are they really saying – that his lawyer will become demented and start murdering people right, left and centre in the airport? It’s absurd.”

Zundel faces immediate arrest on arrival in Germany, where he is wanted for publishing his views that the slaughter of six million Jews and others in Nazi death camps was an elaborate hoax. While Jewish groups in Canada couldn’t wait to see him gone, white supremacist websites buzzed with anger. “Zundel’s trial has truly been a kangaroo court, and the time for extreme measures has come,” wrote one poster. “I don’t necessarily mean violence, but on this occasion and during this period of time, our movement truly needs to bring our demonstrations and activism to the next level.” Zundel and his hard-hatted followers were once a familiar site in mid-town Toronto, where he lived in a heavily fortified residence known as the bunker. During an attempt to become an American citizen, he was arrested in Tennessee for overstaying his visa and returned to Canada in February 2003.


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