Saturday, 22/2/2025 | 6:58 UTC+2

Tony Farrell

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A former police intelligence analyst has gone public with his views that the July 7 London Bombings were a “monstrous lie, perpetrated by our own intelligence agencies, with clear Government complicity”, causing his career to take a sudden downturn.

Tony Farrell used to be the Principal Intelligence Analyst of South Yorkshire Police…that was until he stumbled upon the mountains of research that suggests we were lied to about 7/7 and the 9/11 attacks in the US.

“Last September I was dismissed after 17 years service because of my incompatible beliefs,” Mr. Farrell told WideShut.

In July 2010 while conducting some open source research at home Tony began to discover alternative information about the 9/11 attacks. He came to the conclusion that there must have been government complicity. Not clear on how to move forward, he shared his conclusion with Church minister, who prompted him to take a look in to the July 7, London Bombings as well. Once again, in analyzing the official government narrative alongside other independent research he concluded that the official 7/7 story was also suspicious.

Because he no longer bought the official theories, when tasked with his yearly “strategic threat assessment” in to the UK’s threat level he had to take a different stance.

“Basically because I did not believe the official versions of the attacks of 9/11 and 7/7, I refused to perpetuate the lies in my assignment”, part of which included the threat of homegrown Islamic extremists, those deemed solely behind the 7/7 attacks, despite a string of dubious links to the intelligence services themselves through probable informants surrounding the alleged bombers in the run up to the attacks.

Instead….on July 8th, 2010, Mr. Farrell handed in his assessment, this year claiming the biggest threat to society wasn’t Muslim terrorists, but state sponsored terrorism.

“This stance led to my dismissal,” he concluded.

He was dismissed without any allegations of misconduct, rather a statement that his views were incompatible with the rest of the team.

The Director of Finance said:
“It is a very sad occasion as you have done some excellent work for South Yorkshire Police and I have never been involved in a situation like today. Your beliefs are very sincere and you may be right, but it is I’m afraid incompatible at the moment with where we are.” [1]

Mr. Farrell has appealed the dismissal and the final hearings of the Tribunal will be heard in early September 2011.


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