Friday, 24/1/2025 | 12:15 UTC+2


  • John Patterson

    John Patterson ? “It disrupts the bioelectric system of your body, which is really your brain, your nervous system, and more” ? John tested Telstra digital systems for 25+ years. Over the time he realized the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. When he got moved to a new facility in between two towers, he got all

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  • Tony Farrell

    A former police intelligence analyst has gone public with his views that the July 7 London Bombings were a “monstrous lie, perpetrated by our own intelligence agencies, with clear Government complicity”, causing his career to take a sudden downturn.

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  • Eustace Mullins

    In November 1949, Eustace Mullins, 25, was a researcher in Washington DC when friends invited him to visit the famous American poet Ezra Pound, who was confined at St. Elizabeth’s Mental Hospital and listed as a “political prisoner.” “No one who has been martyred by the Jews should remain unknown. And no one who has

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  • Steven E. Jones

    Christopher Bollyn: 9/11 researcher Professor Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University was slandered on the local NPR affiliate as an “anti-Semite” and removed from his teaching position at that prestigious Mormon school in Provo, Utah. Jones and I had collaborated in the spring of 2006 on his research into the molten metal seen at

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  • Marius Reikerås

    Advokat Marius Reikerås sin sak er en blåkopi av saken mot Herman Berge noen år tidligere. Han har i skrivende stund mistet advokatbevillingen. Marius Reikerås representerer Nordsjødykkerne som sitter på mulige erstatningskrav mot Staten på flere hundre millioner kroner. Statens eiere, det skjulte klandestine nettverk som har hatt makten (og æren – som egentlig de

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  • Jane Burgermeister

    Science journalist fired for filing bioterrorism lawsuit. So much for journalism’s integrity and independence. Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. She has

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  • Ole Østlund

    Ole Østlund var snu operasjonsleder for Alexander Kielland, men fikk sparken fordi han tok sin oppgave for alvorlig, og ville i motsetning til myndighetene til bunns i årsaksforholdet. Østlund mener at plattformen ble utsatt for internasjonal sabotasje, og at det var eksplosjon som senket henne. Det er fra flere hold reist tvil om den årsak

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  • Victor Ostrovsky

    “When Israels Mossad set out to break me, it found its helpers here at home” by Victor Ostrovsky Victor Ostrovsky published two books on his experiences as a former Intelligence agent working for the State of Israel: By Way of Deception and The Other side of Deception. In these he recorded his personal observations made

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  • Kr. Almås (advokat)

    Dobbeltmoralens læremester Av advokat Kr. Almås (Også publisert i Østlendingen 9. Januar 1990) Ifølge Dagbladet vil A-sekr. Thorbjørn Jagland nå be Syse-regjeringen om økonomisk støtte til å lære de østeuropeiske land opp til demokratisk styring. Her hjemme har Jaglands eget A-parti helt siden 1945 hatt et intimt, grunnlovsstridig og hemmelighetsstemplet samarbeid med naziorganisasjonen CIA, som

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  • Åsmund Rabbe

    (1987). Leder for flymetereologitjenesten ved DNMI siden 1980. Luftsfartsverket ville helst ha ny hovedflyplass på Gardermoen (det politisk korrekte “blant de som har snakket sammen”). Rabbe’s oppgave. Skulle foreta målinger om værforholdene på Hurum. Oppdragsgiver: Luftsfartsverket. Konklusjon: Målingen bekreftet at med moderne instrumentlandingssystem ville ikke værforholdene være noe problem. Rabbes komentar: “Jeg ga målingen til

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Dissident Net

A transparancy and non-corruption of justice or people activity by


January 2025