Sunday, 23/2/2025 | 3:21 UTC+2

Anthony John Hill

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Human (name): John Anthony Hill.
Human (birth): Sheffield, England, 1948.
Spirit-being (names): Muad’Dib / JAH / Elijah

As many of you will know, Muad’Dib is the producer of the film “7/7 Ripple Effect“, and He was arrested in Ireland for the ‘crime’ of sending DVD’s of the film to the judge and jury of the first trial of three men: Waheed Ali, 25, Sadeer Saleem, 28, and Mohammed Shakil, 32, who were being tried at Kingston Crown Court, England, wrongfully accused of helping the four designated patsies of the London 7/7/2005 bombings who were; in reality; victims, as much as all the others who died and/or were injured and traumatized that day.

Muad’Dib has been falsely and hypocritically accused of ‘attempting to pervert the course of justice’, when the film; and the act of sending copies of it to those in charge of delivering a verdict; are all about STRAIGHTENING the course of justice, which the U.K. authorities are perverting.

Sending proof of someone’s innocence should NEVER be a crime.

LLTF (Long Live The Fighters [For God/Good]),
The Fremen (Freemen). 16.03.2009
By Gabriel O’Hara

Recently, a man named Anthony John Hill was arrested and is now being corruptly and forcefully extradited to nazi-London where He will stand trial for the heinous crime of:  sending a DVD to a courthouse.  Yes… Really.

We met with John Anthony Hill who got arrested for mailing a DVD (with no letter attached) to a UK court from Ireland (reported by the Irish Times). John is also the producer and narrator of this DVD.

Mr Hill, 60 years old, showed us his arrest warrant and gave us permission to pass on information contained in it. The maximum sentence on the warrant is Life Imprisonment in England. John had his computer and other property seized which is why he requested other people to help him as he is not able to defend him self properly as a result. The phony charge is possibly fabricating evidence that might cause injustice and this is from the same country that helped put people in Guantanamo and other torture facilities world-wide. The DVD only contains main stream media news (BBC, ITV, New York Times etc) and the small remainder is his political opinion which as of yet no one is legally supposed to be extradited for, within the EU. The DVDs were also never given to the Judge or Foreman of the trail which is to do with 3 men never mentioned in the DVD. Regardless if you agree or disagree with the contents of this documentary anyone who values freedom would see there is an injustice being carried out here.

John’s court case is on this Thursday at the four courts in Dublin. Having a gathering outside would not change anything inside the court but it might get the media to shine more light on this injustice. John is asking anyone who is not working that day (this Thursday the 19th) to come along at 1:30pm, and any who can take a half day. I’m not sure if handing out his DVD or flyers with information contained in the DVD on the street would be WELCOMED by the court, but it is not yet illegal to hand out free materials on the public streets of Dublin that does not promote a commercial event. Anyone who has the technical abilities to make copies or photocopy information and is able to come along might want to think of doing so. The documentary is available free on the Google videos and Youtube, 7/7 Ripple Effect. Perhaps spread this on forums and contact the media if you think it is a good idea or better yet come up with your own peaceful ideas.

I’m sure you would want support too if injustice was being carried out against you, but you should only help because you want to.


Irish Times: Irish Man, Aged 60, Arrested for Posting a London 7/7 DVD to a Judge

By Gabriel O’Hara

Would the world be a safer place if people who mail public information are behind bars?

Today at the four courts in Dublin, 11am – court 11, the Judge ruled on whether or not to extradite John Anthony Hill to the UK. John mailed a publicly available DVD, with no letter attached, to a court in the UK during a trial of three men. The DVD had nothing to do with those three men, it containes information from the BBC, ITV, the New York Times and other such established main stream news entities about four different men. During John’s trial in Ireland, March 19th, the judge said in his closing statement that he would watch the DVD before making a decision. Today we found out that the judge failed to uphold that promise/commitment made in court when he told the court he had not looked at that evidence. The Judge ruled against John, 60 years old, who was then put in to handcuffs and lead away by the police to a prison. The Judge said a number of people from all over the world mailed him envelopes with DVDs, he also said he did not open the envelopes.
His book:
His site:


Den Nye DVD-Jon

Anthony John Hill – aka Muad’Dib – er en 60 år gammel mann født i Sheffield, som i 2007 produserte en dokumentarfilm ved navn «7/7 Ripple Effect». Filmen omhandler terrorangrepet på kollektivnettet i London 7. juli 2005. Natt til tirsdag 10. februar 2009 ble 60-åringen pågrepet og arrestert av Gardai-styrker i sitt hjem i småbyen Kells i Irland.

Onsdag 11. februar kan vi lese i Irish Times at mannen ble fremstilt for irsk Høyesterett etter arrestasjonen, og der anklaget for å ha sendt en DVD – sin egen DVD – i et brev til en adresse i nabolandet Storbritannia.

Nabolandet ville ved hjelp av en europeisk arrestordre (EAW) ha DVD-John utlevert. En EAW er ifølge svensk Wikipedia:

en arresteringsorder som förpliktar stat som är medlem i Europeiska unionen att till annan sådan stat utlämna person som är misstänkt för brott vilket den eftersökte är häktad på sannolika skäl misstänkt för brottet och för vilket är föreskrivet fängelse i ett år eller mer.

Forbrytelsen han er mistenkt for har strafferammen fengsel på livstid. DVD-John skal altså etter den irske rettens mening utleveres til nabolandet Storbritannia, der han risikerer en livstidsdom, fordi han har sendt sin egen dokumentar på en egenprodusert DVD i en konvolutt med irske frimerker.

Rent juridisk dreier arrestordren seg om at DVD-John etter britisk retts mening skal ha forsøkt å forstyrre rettens gang gjennom å sende DVDen til en dommer og juryformann under en rettssak relatert til terrorangrepet i 2005 – 7/7.

Påstanden er videre at han i mai og juni 2008 skal ha sendt flere eksemplarer av denne DVDen i konvolutter med irske frimerker, samt mellom september 2007 og desember 2007, henholdsvis til dommer/juryformann og til fem slektninger av de drepte fra London-terroren.

DVD-John skal under pågripelsen 10. februar ha innrømmet å ha sendt DVDen. Datautstyret hans ble beslaglagt, og han sitter nå fengslet frem til 17. april, i påvente av utlevering til England.

Stridens eple: Her er dokumentaren DVD-John sendte pr brev til nabolandet:

Etter fengslingsmøtet 2. april har DVD-John 15 dager på seg til å levere en anke til Høyesterett. Her bør han typisk vise til punkt 37 i EAW-loven, som i relativt klare ordelag fastslår at DVD-John ikke kan utleveres dersom arrestordren er utstedt med bakgrunn i den begjærtes politiske eller religiøse meninger.

Irsk rett har pålagt DVD-John å levere inn passet sitt og forbudt ham å diskutere 7/7 med mennesker i England og Wales. Du kan laste ned dokumentaren hans her (.avi), her (BT) eller her (BT).

Andre dokumentarfilmer om 7/7 er «Ludicrous Diversion» og «Mind the Gap».


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February 2025