Tuesday, 22/10/2024 | 12:12 UTC+2


  • Roy Arthur Topham

    Publisher and Editor of radicalpress.com in Canada jailed for ‘hatecrime’ against ‘jews’, for writing a satiric piece, synopsis and partial review of the verbatim text of an actual book first published in the USA back in early 1941 when America was still a neutral country. That book, Germany Must Perish! was written by a Jewish

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  • John Wilson

    For over a decade Dr. John Wilson has taken court action seeking to have judges, government and banks obey the law. As his Website explains: “The banks have corrupted parliaments and courts in order to achieve their seemingly invincible position. Through the parliaments, banks have set in place legislation which forms the blue print and

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  • Marius Reikerås

    Advokat Marius Reikerås sin sak er en blåkopi av saken mot Herman Berge noen år tidligere. Han har i skrivende stund mistet advokatbevillingen. Marius Reikerås representerer Nordsjødykkerne som sitter på mulige erstatningskrav mot Staten på flere hundre millioner kroner. Statens eiere, det skjulte klandestine nettverk som har hatt makten (og æren – som egentlig de

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  • Wolfgang Froelich

    Austrian engineer, Froelich, says gassings impossible as alleged Deposition of Wolfgang Froelich during the recent trial of Swiss revisionist Jurgen Graf (condemned to 15 months imprisonment and 18,000 SwF in monetary penalties for investigating the “Holocaust” in Russian archives and publishing the results, as well as a booklet titled “On the Decline of Swiss Freedom”).

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  • Michael Jackson

    Dissidents die young. Argument # 1: Dont sing or speak about love and peace and brotherhood in the world. That can get you killed. Michael Jackson died today the 26.06.2009, at age 50. The worlds leading conscience has left the scene. In the intervue by Oprah Winfrey he said he in now way thought that

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  • Stanislaw Burzynski

    Dr. Burzynski, founder of the Houston-based Burzynski Institute, treats cancer patients with substances called antineoplastons. He was indicted by a grand jury in 1995 for his use of antineoplastons– his second trial that year. He was acquitted.

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  • William Cooper

    One of the first to begin exposing the Government for what it truly is, William (Bill) Cooper was killed by authorities on 11/5/2001. ~ Author of “Behold a Pale Horse” William Cooper is the author of Behold A Pale Horse. The book has become the best selling underground book of all time. It is read

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  • Anthony John Hill

    Human (name): John Anthony Hill. Human (birth): Sheffield, England, 1948. Spirit-being (names): Muad’Dib / JAH / Elijah Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/jahtruth As many of you will know, Muad’Dib is the producer of the film “7/7 Ripple Effect“, and He was arrested in Ireland for the ‘crime’ of sending DVD’s of the film to the judge and jury

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  • Robert Edmondson

    Robert Edmondson “Testified Against the Jews” November 2, 2008 By Henry Makow Ph.D. Our Zionist mind controllers have succeeded in eliminating almost all record of Robert Edmondson. Until today, there was no reference to him (or photo) on the Internet. Yet he was thrown into jail in 1936 and again in 1942 for producing hundreds

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  • Slobodan Milosevic

    This report from Slobodan Milosevic “trial” and assassination is in its entirety taken from Chapter 36 of Robin deRuiters book: “Worldwide Evil and Misery. The Legacy of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines“. Can be purchased here. Greatly recommended. “The small Serbia has shown that resistance is possible. This resistance was initially organized on a broad scale

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Dissident Net

A transparancy and non-corruption of justice or people activity by



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