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Slobodan Milosevic

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This report from Slobodan Milosevic “trial” and assassination is in its entirety taken from Chapter 36 of Robin deRuiters book: “Worldwide Evil and Misery. The Legacy of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines“. Can be purchased here. Greatly recommended.

“The small Serbia has shown that resistance is possible. This resistance was initially organized on a broad scale as a political and moral movement against the tyranny and the monopoly of the champions of the free Western world. This movement escalated and created hatred and fear and new forms of violence with which people fought the modern Western inquisition. Uranium bombs, computer manipulations, drug addicted assassins and blackmailed civil servants gave the New World Order the excuses it needed. And these are the tools of the inquisition that we eventually had to suffer. The cynical cruelty with which this happened is unparalleled in history.” Slobodan Milosevic

Beautifully phrased yet hypocritical arguments like “the fight for Democracy and human rights” fit perfectly into the devilish doctrine of lies that turns the truth upside down. The attack on a country without valid reason becomes a “peacemaking measure”, genocide is carried out to safeguard “human rights” and the unlawful arrest or assassination of the heads of sovereign states are defended as “democratization”. In the press, “war graves” are referred to as “mass graves”, and a single or isolated “rape” is usually upgraded to “mass rape”.

The Mysterious Death of Slobodan Milosevic

“It has been a slow and cold blooded premeditated murder of the lowest kind.” Vladimir Krsljanin of the Slobodan Milosevic Center

Slobodan Milosevic was found dead in his prison cell in Scheveningen on March 11, 2006, at 10 a.m. The autopsy was ordered by the public prosecutor’s office. According to the autopsy report of the Dutch Forensic Institute (NFI) the death was caused by a myocardio infarction. The pathologists established two kinds of heart problems that might explain the infarct.

In addition to the autopsy, the public prosecutor’s office also ordered a toxico-logical investigation, to determine whether or not Milosevic had been poisoned. No traces of toxic substances were found. “A number of the medications that have been prescribed to Mr. Milosevic were found in his body, but not in toxic concentrations,” said the public prosecutor’s office. Milosevic was thought to have died of natural causes. The former president was buried in his hometown of Pozarevac a week after his death. And that was that. Politicians, the press and the media cloaked themselves in an emphatic silence.
Immediately after his death things were quite different. During the apotheosis of the Yugoslavia tribunal Milosevic was portrayed simply and myopically as a Hitler of the first hour who had managed to escape his rightful punishment. Typical of the way he was being portrayed in the media was the comment from CNN correspondent Christiane Amanpour: “When he came to power, he consolidated his position and from the outset determined what happened on the Balkans. He committed the most serious crimes against humanity that Europe and indeed the world has seen since the Second World War. This went on for the best part of the Nineties. To his enemies and victims he was known as the Butcher of the Balkans.”

Milosevic did not fare much better in The New York Times of March 12, 2006. He was a cold-blooded ruler who, during several wars, had been prepared to lash out with a vengeance from Croatia in 1991 to Kosovo in 1999. “In the end, he disturbed the sensitive balance of power in Yugoslavia which he claimed he was defending, and was surprised by the violent destruction of his country.” He was portrayed as a man for whom “the truth could always be manipulated by power.” According to The New York Times, Milosevic had reinvented the Croatian Fascists from the Second World War. This is where the authoritative newspaper conveniently loses sight of history. It was the infamous fascist Ustasa that during the Second World War was responsible for the cold-blooded mass murder of 900,000 Serbians and Jews. No mention is made of the fact that the political legacy of this Fascism played a major role in the ideology of emerging Croatian Nationalism and Separatism when Milosevic was in power.

Before his death, Slobodan Milosevic had been ill for some time. It is remarkable that his heart condition deteriorated since the beginning of the trial in February 2002. As a result, the proceedings were interrupted regularly. Nevertheless, the tribunal argued that there was no cause for concern, because Milosevic’s health was checked regularly by the highly qualified medical staff of the Scheveningen prison. No mention was made of the fact that this “staff consisted of one GP and one nurse. During the first year of his stay in prison, Milosevic’s treatment consisted of one aspirin a day. After that, he received medication that made him drowsy.
From the outset, Milosevic’s medical treatment was heavily criticized. One of Milosevic’s advisors, the Serbian lawyer Zdenko Tomanovic, declared that the health of his client was systematically being undermined in The! Hague. The Russian physician, Dr Leo Bokeria of the famous and specialized Bakulev Center, told journalists: “Over the last three years, we have continually urged that Milosevic be transferred to a hospital, so that doctors could make a proper diagnosis, but nothing was ever done. Had Milosevic been brought to any specialized hospital, like our medical center, he might have lived for years.
As early as May 2003, a group of thirteen German doctors expressed their concern about Milosevic’s health in writing to the Yugoslavia tribunal. The medical suggestions regarding the proceedings were ignored, and no adequate therapy or medication were provided. Later written objections from the same group of doctors were not taken into consideration.
A group of doctors appointed by the tribunal offered the following diagnosis: “Highly increased blood pressure, secondary damage to various organs and urgent situations during which the high blood pressure may lead to cerebral hemorrhage, cardiac arrest and death.” Lead prosecutor Carla del Ponte had the following to say about it in the Neuen Ziircher Zeitung: “Milosevic is doing fine as far as his health is concerned. Many people of sixty and older suffer from high blood pressure. We are certainly not neglecting him, and I hope that is not the impression you have.“385
A medical investigation into Milosevic’s health in 2005 indicated that an “unknown” medication had been found in his blood, medication that neutralized blood pressure, reducing the effects of his officially prescribed medication. An international group of doctors realized that Milosevic’s life was at risk. Consequently, Milosevic requested that he be treated by Russian specialists. Doctors from the Bakulev Center traveled to The Hague to examine Milosevic. They claimed they would be able to treat Milosevic successfully if they were allowed to transport him to the Bakulev Center in Russia. On December 12, 2005, Milosevic requested thai tie be allowed to undergo treatment in the Bakulev Center. The tribunal denied the request on the grounds that it had not been submitted in the correct manner. He

385 Carla del Ponte was born in 1947, in Bignasco (Switzerland). She worked as a law itr in Tessin, and between 1994 and 1999 she was the lead prosecutor in Switzerland n 1999 she assumed the same position in the Yugoslavia tribunal. In 1999, she was also given responsibility for the Ruanda tribunal in Arusha.

was told that any request would only be considered if there were guarantees that he would return to The Hague to finish the trial. On January 18, 2006, the Russian government issued the guarantee that Milosevic would be returned to The Hague after treatment. Despite the reassurance on the part of the Russian government that he would be available to stand trial, his request was still denied on February 23, 2006. On the next day, Milosevic announced that he would appeal this ruling.
Carla del Ponte defended the tribunal’s decision by pointing out that Milosevic had access to any treatment he would need in The Hague. He had access to medical care of the highest quality. And almost immediately after Milosevic’s demise, Del Ponte declared in the Italian newspaper Republica: “It is strange, although of course possible, that he died so suddenly without the doctors realizing that his health had badly deteriorated.
The claim that Milosevic died a natural death by heart attack is considered by many to be a lie. Ivica Dasic, chairman of the Serbian Socialist Party (SPS) stated: “Milosevic did not die in The Hague; he was killed in The Hague.
The Russian general Leonid Ivashov said: “It was a political death to order.
According to Nico Varkevisser of the international Slobodan Milosevic Freedom Center, the death of the former Serbian leader the result of a cruel and inhumane treatment as defined in Article 16 of the Anti-Torture Treaty: “The actions of the tribunal, in particular the decision of Justices Patrick Robinson, O-Gon Kwon and Ian Bonomy, offer sufficient grounds for a charge of murder. We will lodge a complaint with the Dutch Justice Department for cruel and inhumane treatment as defined in the Anti-Torture Treaty and manslaughter or murder,” said Varkevisser.
Targets wrote: “From the outset, Milosevic has been deliberately denied adequate medical treatment, even when the Russian doctors made their case in November 2005 and the Russian government had issued a guarantee that he would return after treatment. The refusal of the judges, on two occasions, in itself is rea-son enough to charge them with premeditated murder.”
One might argue that the tribunal has killed my brother,” said Borislav Milosevic. Slobodan’s widow, Mira Markovic, shared her brother-in-law’s opinion.
The headlines in the Serbian newspapers all agreed: “The Hague killed Milosevic.” They all blamed the tribunal for his death.
As mentioned earlier, the autopsy of Milosevic’s body was carried out by the Dutch Forensics Institute (NFI). The autopsy was performed in the presence of Serbian minister Rasim Ljajic, who said: “My presence at the autopsy is intended to dispel any speculations concerning the death of Milosevic.” However, his presence had the opposite effect, since it was common knowledge that the two men had been sworn enemies. Milosevic’s next of kin were suspicious, and they insisted that an independent autopsy be carried out outside of the Netherlands under their supervision. This request was ignored.

386 Targets, April 2006.

Suicide was not ruled out as a possible cause of death. With the end of the court case in sight, Milosevic may have been ready to commit such an act of desperation. Carla del Ponte said: “It is possible that Milosevic committed suicide, as a final act of pride, as a sign of contempt towards the Yugoslavia tribunal.” Del Ponte pointed out “that it was not the first time that one of the accused preferred death to a conviction.” Six days prior to Milosevic’s death, the Serb Milan Babic was found dead in his prison cell. His death was also ruled a suicide, and here too there were no indications that he had indeed taken his own life. All the usual security precautions had been taken: Babic’s cell was checked every thirty minutes. Nevertheless, he was found dead in his cell the next morning. The cause of death remains a mystery on which the authorities refused to comment.
In a news program by Dutch broadcasting company NOS, Heikelina Verrijn Stuart from Amnesty International, who had been a frequent observer of the trial, argued that Milosevic’s death had been the direct result of the medication that had been found in his blood. “We know for certain that this is what caused his death. This was by no means a natural death.
Verrijn Stuart had also spoken to someone close to Milosevic. “The statements from this person indicate that Milosevic had secretly taken the medication that countered the effects of his heart medication.” One of Carla del Ponte’s advisors hurriedly added that Milosevic had caused problems before with regard to medication: “At that time, he refused to take them.”
Rainer Rupp said: “This suicide is tremendously inventive. First he shot himself in the back three times, and then he hanged himself. It wasn’t that long ago that similar descriptions were found in the police files of local sheriffs in the south of the United States. This statement reminds me of the position of the “independent” Dutch toxicologist Donald Uges, who made a similar statement regarding the “suicide” of the Yugoslavian former president. According to Uges, Milosevic had managed to smuggle illegal medication into his cell in the maximum security facility to damage his own health, in an attempt to secure a one-way trip to Moscow.
Toxicologist Donald Uges claimed that he examined Milosevic’s blood a few months before Milosevic’s death, because doctors wondered why the medications they had prescribed to Milosevic to treat his high blood pressure were not working. In January 2006, Uges found Rifampicine, a strong medicine for tuberculosis and leprosy, in Milosevic’s blood. This was supposed to have countered the effects of the medication Milosevic took to reduce his blood pressure. According to Uges, the medication stimulated Milosevic’s liver, which neutralized the effects of the other medications. Uges then claimed that Milosevic had taken antibiotics that had not been prescribed and that had damaged his heart. The toxicologist said that he suspected Milosevic did all this to try and force the court to let him go to Russia for treatment. “First he did not take his medication. Then he was forced to take them under supervision. But his blood pressure still did not fall,” Uges said to the AP press agency. “A sophisticated medication is something nobody would have suspected. It gave his supporters a reason to protest that the Dutch doctors had no idea how to treat him.” He went on to add: “I do not expect murder. Nor did he die as a result of the Rifampicine. All the medication was meant to accomplish was to lure him to Moscow, where he would be freed. In Moscow, Milosevic would stop taking the medication, he would suddenly recover, and the Netherlands would be ridiculed.
These statements by Donald Uges were ceased by the global press to give the relatives and supporters of Milosevic, who were suspicious of what had happened, a bad name. Every effort was made to undermine Milosevic’s credibility and the statements by his lawyer concerning the fact that he was poisoned. It was argued that Milosevic risked his own life by damaging his health, in an attempt to escape justice. However, Donald Uges had been appointed by the Court of Justice as a toxicologist and not as a detective. Finding traces in a person’s blood is one thing, but knowing exactly how it got there is quite another matter. It is “impossible” for Donald Uges, a world famous professor in the field of biochemical analysis, to declare that Milosevic deliberately did not take his prescribed medication. How could he know that?387
After his arrival in the Netherlands, Slobodan Milosevic declared that he had no suicidal tendencies. He emphasized that, if anything ever were to happen to him, it could never have been a suicide attempt.388 A few weeks before his death he said: “I did not suffer this long for my cause to harm myself.
More and more, people speculated about death by poisoning of the former president, and not without reason! In 2002, it became clear that Milosevic had been given the wrong medication that, like Rifampicine, increased his blood pressure. On November 23, 2002, NRC Handelsblad reported: “In the Scheveningen prison, Slobodan Milosevic has been given the wrong medication, as a result of which his blood pressure suddenly rose tremendously. That is the reason why the trial of the former Yugoslav president was suspended in early November of 2002. A spokesperson of the tribunal denies that mistakes have been made. He did not want to address the matter further.”
This means that even at that point, Milosevic’s high blood pressure was not dealt with adequately, even though it was clear that something was wrong. At the end of August 2004, something truly remarkable happened when Milosevic was given his hot dinner. There was great consternation when it turned out that someone else had been given Milosevic’s dinner. On the tribunal hearing of September 1, 2004, Milosevic mentioned this incident. On that day, Milosevic’s defense was being discussed. The tribunal was planning to deny Milosevic the right to defend himself on grounds of incompetence. This would effectively silence him. Milosevic was told to transfer his defense to Mr. Simon Kay.389 Milosevic protested vehemently

387 Quoted from a letter by John Jeffries of the Irish branch of the International Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM).
388 Nova, July 17, 2001.
389 Previous attempts to silence Milosevic by appointing a lawyer to defend his case had failed.

to this course of events, and the relevant witnesses threatened to boycott the proceedings. This would have jeopardized the entire court case, and the tribunal was forced to back down.390

During the court hearings, Milosevic referred to his doctors, who had stated that he had been capable of defending himself throughout the three years of the court proceedings.
Milosevic said: “This means that for three years my doctors have considered me in sufficiently good health and physical condition to defend myself. And then something remarkable happens. Suddenly, an “independent” doctor from Belgium, the country where NATO’s headquarters are located, claims that my health makes it impossible for me to defend myself, and my own doctors here unanimously agree with that assessment.
Milosevic then urged a detailed medical examination by doctors from Russia, Serbia and Greece. These doctors were ready to begin such an examination. Milosevic then argued that his health precluded him from defending his own case was a ploy designed to deny him the opportunity to tell the truth: “I see this as a manipulation to deny me the opportunity to tell the truth. That is the essence of this story. The prosecutor, Mr. Geoffrey Nice, reinforces this argument by appointing a lawyer on the grounds that I am allegedly too involved and not independent enough. However, I feel that the opposition has shown itself to be somewhat too dependent in this matter.” Milosevic, with his usual politeness, once again emphasized the fact that he would never relinquish the right to defend himself, and also addressed the curious course of events during his detention: “I urge you to remember: I will never give up my right to defend myself, nor will I allow this right to be curtailed.”
The following statement by Milosevic is a literal translation of the transcript of the tribunal: “You may reach your own conclusions. However, know that I am taking medications that have been prescribed by your doctors, your staff. I am not certain as to what is happening here, but I can have the entire prison staff testify as to what happened when my dinner was switched with that of the other person on the other side of the corridor. There was quite a commotion to ensure that the right meal ended up in the right place, even though the meals were apparently identical. I made no issue of it. I did not know what was going on. However, I would ask you to be so kind as to take note of the fact that for three years in a row doctors, have declared that I am in good health, and that now, after this incident, the same doctors suddenly declare that I am no longer healthy. I have my suspicions, which may or may not be justified, but there is evidence to support them.”391
Slobodan Milosevic was then silenced when the judges ordered his microphone turned off. The alarming matter was never investigated!

390 Because Milosevic was perfectly capable of defending himself, his Dutch lawyer and advisor N.M.P. Steijnen on behalf of Milosevic lodged a complaint with the Dutch Order of Attorneys with regard to these proceedings.
391 Tribunal transcripts from September 1st 2004, pp. 32351-32358.

Milosevic increasingly suffered from an intense pressure behind his eyes and ears- When James Bissett, the Canadian ambassador to former Yugoslavia (1990-1992), visited Milosevic in Scheveningen, Milosevic suddenly turned red and reached for his head. He was troubled by a loud tone inside his head that made it seem as though he were speaking into a bucket. Milosevic said that, despite the fact that his blood pressure was under control, he constantly suffered from those constant tones and echoes in his head.
Rather than giving him the necessary treatment, the tribunal used his weak health to force him to give up defending himself. It had been clear for some time that the tribunal made many efforts to undermine his health, in an attempt to force him to hand over his defense to a lawyer. They did this by providing him bad medical treatment and deliberately wearing him out to cause his symptoms to surface. He was forced, on countless occasions, to wait on a wooden bench, allegedly because there was no way to transport him. 392
The “amici curiae” (friends of the court), who had to ensure that the trial was conducted in a fair manner argued in favor of suspending the proceedings for one year. During that period, Milosevic would be able to regain his strength. Lead prosecutor Carla del Ponte was livid when she heard about it. She claimed that Milosevic received all the medical attention he required in Scheveningen prison.
On March 10, 2006, preparations were made to present the next witness: Monir Bulatovec, the former president of Montenegro. On this occasion, Milosevic once again voiced his concerns to his lawyer Zdenko Tomanovic, telling him he as afraid that people were trying to poison him. During his five year stay in Scheveningen, Milosevic had never taken any kind of antibiotics, nor had he ever suffered from an infectious disease. However, the medical report of January 12th 2006, which-MiloSevic laid his hands on two months later, showed that a medicine had been found in his blood that is normally used to treat tuberculosis and leprosy. As mentioned earlier, this medication effectively neutralized the effects of the medicine Milosevic took to treat his blood pressure and heart problems. If Milosevic had taken this medication himself, and it was known that he took it on January 12, why did the authorities fail to intervene? And why was he not informed about the Rifampicine in his blood prior to March 7? Normally MiloSevic received all reports concerning his health condition immediately!
If Milosevic had taken Rifampicine deliberately, why did he speak about it in public? It was Milosevic himself who, through his lawyer, spoke about it in public and who informed the Russian government. In his letter to the Russian government, in which he asked for protection, he wrote that the tribunal’s refusal to let him go to Russia to be treated was motivated by fear that the Russian doctors would discover that there was Rifampicine in his blood.

392 Targets, April 2006.

MiloSevic was not informed of the results of his blood tests until two months after they took place. Verrij Stuart: “It is a great mystery why a medical report of January 12, 2006 was not presented before March 7 to the lawyers and to Milosevic himself.
It is safe to assume that Milosevic was quite shocked when he finally read the results of his blood tests on March 7. Eye witnesses saw a dramatic deterioration. “When he took his walk, Milosevic had to lean against the wall, and he went to the bathroom every few minutes.” 393 Why was nothing done? According to Verrijn Stuart, after March 7th, monitoring of Milosevic’s health was not intensified.
What is also remarkable is the late hour at which Milosevic’s body was discovered. From a press conference by Carla del Ponte it became clear that the regular checks (every thirty minutes) were not carried out on the night Milosevic died!394 Nor apparently was there any video surveillance! Naturally, at the press conference questions were asked as to why the routine checks were not carried out on that particular night. Del Ponte answered: “I am not responsible for what happens in the prison.”
At the very least, the Yugoslavian tribunal is guilty of gross negligence, if not downright manslaughter. Its failure to monitor the prisoner, whose body was not discovered until 10 a.m., would result in a complaint against the tribunal, according to Serbian media and the German newspaper Die Welt. There is no doubt that the tribunal and Washington, which pulls the strings behind the scenes, are responsible for Milosevic’s death.
Certain things Milosevic said on the day before he died indicate that he was extremely worried. As mentioned earlier, he wrote a letter to the Russian Foreign Minister the day before he died, asking for help. He accused his jailers of attempting to drug him into silence. Why did MiloSevic need to be silenced?
“It would be better if Milosevic were to die in the dock during the trial. If the proceedings are allowed to reach their conclusion there is a serious possibility that he will be convicted of nothing more than a minor offence,” James Gow declared as early as 2004 in a television interview with Channel Four. Gow was being interviewed as an “expert on war crimes” and advisor of the court in The Hague.
It is true that the case of the Yugoslavian tribunal was in poor shape. Had that not been the case, the media would certainly have reported it. Diana Johnstone, the erstwhile publisher of In These Times and former press’ secretary of the Greens in the European Parliament, said: “In the beginning, one could be sure that the media would report the show trial against the Butcher of the Balkans. However, the media soon failed to mention the relevant and solid defense of MiloSevic during his own trial. Ever since, the trial has virtually taken place behind closed doors. And there are reasons for that.”

393 Der Spiegel, January 12, 2006, 129.
394 Conversation with Nico Varkevisser of the Slobodan MiloSevic Freedom Center.

Ralph Hartmann, the former German ambassador to Yugoslavia, stated: “The trial against the former president of Yugoslavia, which was announced as the “mother of all trials” by NATO, has become a secret trial. The reasons for this may be clear to anyone who has read Milosevic’s opening statement, which was published in numerous newspapers, in which he puts the irrefutable evidence and sensational facts concerning the major role played by the United States, Germany and other NATO countries in the destruction of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the table. People may distort or ignore the truth; they can never conquer it.”
It became increasingly clear that the charges were not worth the paper they were written on. Slobodan Milosevic had no reason to take his own life. “He has been murdered,” according to his Dutch advisor and lawyer N.M.P. Steijnen. It was not he, but the prosecutors of the tribunal who were being driven into a corner. There was a clear motive for murder. Although it is true that Milosevic was seriously ill, he was very optimistic about the fact that the trial was developing in his favor. He was convinced he would come out as the winner!
VukaSin Andric, a doctor who examined Milosevic in November 2005, said: “The tribunal wanted to murder Milosevic because his death would make it impossible to get at the real truth. The leaders of the New World Order wanted to get rid of him.
On March 9, Milorad Vucelic, a member of the Serbian Socialist Party, spoke with MiloSevic over the phone: “He was excited and pleased about the way his defense went.” Vucelic concludes: “There is no possible doubt that the tribunal in The Hague slowly assassinated Milosevic.” For years Klaus Hartmann had been aware of the danger of a “biological solution” the Yugoslavia tribunal in The Hague would be prepared to resort to in order to silence Milosevic. 395 Zivadin Jovanovic, the former Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia, made the following statement regarding this issue: “The Yugoslavia tribunal is responsible for the death of President Slobodan Milosevic.”
Needless to say, Milosevic’s death was very convenient for the prosecutors. In a period of five years, they had been unable to prove that MiloSevic was responsible for a genocide carried out by the Serbian army. The prosecution’s case was in bad shape. On February 24, 2006, De Volkskrant wrote: “No conclusive evidence against Slobodan MiloSevic.” On February 28, 2004, NRC Handelsblad reported: “The case against Milosevic is falling apart.”
Time and again, witnesses for the prosecution were driven into a corner by Milosevic’s questions. In addition, their testimonies were not of the kind Carla del Ponte wanted to hear. The former chief of the Serbian State Security, Radomir Rade Markovic, when cross-examined by Milosevic, stated that he had been promised a reduced sentence and a new identity in exchange for an incriminating testi-

395 Klaus Hartmann is the vice-chairman of the International Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM).

mony against Milosevic. He was told there would be “consequences” if he failed to do so (tribunal proceedings, July 24-27, 2002).
During the proceedings of February 19-21, 2003, as part of his testimony, Dra-gan Vasiljkovic quoted a document he received from the prosecutors, containing various promises in exchange for his incriminating testimony against Milosevic (tribunal proceedings, February 19-21, 2003).
Also, suddenly all kinds of, very dubious, evidence emerged. Testimonies that no impartial judge would ever have accepted were accepted as evidence. One witness, for example, declared that he had been shot with a machine gun, and to support his testimony he held up a shirt full of bullet holes and blood. Milosevic then asked him about his wounds and requested to see the scars. The man responded that he had not been injured, and that Allah had spared him to allow him to testify against Milosevic. Rather than striking the man’s testimony from the court’s logs, the court accepted it as proof against Milosevic!

Milosevic produced one witness after another, who together tore apart the myth of a conspiracy to create a Great Serbia. Reports in the media were scarce when it same to Milosevic’s witnesses, and they failed to report on the repeated decisions by the court to strike testimony from the records.
The Boomerang Effect
On August 25, 2005, Geoffrey Nice was forced to admit that MiloSevic was no longer being accused of having tried to create a Great Serbia by force. As such, this effectively destroyed the foundation of the charges against him. After all, these charges had been based on, and connected by, the central accusation that Milosevic, as the leader of a criminal organization, had done everything he had done in order to create a Great Serbia.396 The tribunal was painfully aware that they had no case against him. The chances of reaching a verdict that would satisfy public opinion become increasingly slender.

The Dutch lawyer N.M.P. Steijnen stated: “However, the chaos soon became even bigger. The accusations now turned on his Western accusers like a boomerang. What the tribunal feared were the revelations from Milosevic and the people he called to the witness stand concerning the role of the Western world in dismantling the Yugoslav Federation, the evidence that would be presented by him with regard to the systematic lies propagated by the West concerning the alleged attempts to create a Great Serbia, and the crimes committed by NATO in its aggressive war against Yugoslavia and Serbia, which he would bring to light. For instance, MiloSevic demonstrated, based on the testimony from predominantly Western witnesses, that there had been no humanitarian emergency in Kosovo on the eve of NATO’s war on Yugoslavia in 1999. It was not Milosevic’s case that was in poor shape, but the tribunal itself.”

396 Press release written by Milosevic advisor and lawyer N.M.P. Steijnen.

In a press release Steijnen wrote: “For years, the prosecutors had brought in hundreds of witnesses, in an endless row of 466 sessions, producing more than 5000 documents in their case against him, and they still failed to present a well-founded case. The lack of written evidence, the deals between the prosecution and defendants who were willing to testify against Milosevic, none of these benefited the trial. “Tribunal worshippers” disguised as reporters have managed to cover up the fact that Milosevic, based on witness testimony, has caused havoc among what was left of the charges.
Things only got worse for the tribunal when it was Milosevic’s turn to defend himself. He called to the stand important witnesses that presented Carla del Ponte with serious problems, especially in light of the fact that most of her witnesses presented vague testimony. It was with the gravest concerns that the tribunal awaited this moment.
Things became truly exciting when Slobodan Milosevic announced at the end of February 2006 that he intended to call Bill Clinton to the stand. Apparently he wanted to show that the United States had waged an illegal war against Yugoslavia and that civilian targets had been attacked on purpose. Crimes against humanity! This plan was unacceptable not only to NATO but also because it threatened to destroy the Yugoslavia tribunal!
James Bisset, the Canadian ambassador to former Yugoslavia (1990-1992) said: “I was always skeptical about the tribunal, because I am convinced that it is an instrument that is designed to cover up the fatal blunders of the United States and its allies in the tragedy in the Balkans. The tribunal’s purpose is to hold Milosevic and the Serbian people responsible for the all-out violence that hit this area in the 1990s.
The Russian general Leonid Ivashov stated: “Slobodan Milosevic was the only man who was in a position to testify about the role of the United States in the bloody disintegration of Yugoslavia in the Nineties, in full and in great detail. And that is precisely what he fought for during his trial for war crimes and genocide.
According to Ivashov, a failure to secure a conviction in the case against MiloSevic Would not only have far-reaching consequences for the Yugoslavian tribunal, but also for the condemnation of the aggression of NATO and its Allies. Ivashov is still convinced that this is the reason Milosevic was murdered.
Milosevic was found dead in his prison cell just when his defense was gathering steam and he had begun building a solid case. He was too busy to contemplate taking his own life. He was very concerned about his health. But above all, he was motivated by a desire to tell what really happened in the Balkans. He had no reason whatsoever to kill himself, but the tribunal, which took its orders from the United States and its allies, had a clear motive to kill him. The tribunal was about to backfire in a serious way; it threatened to damage NATO, the very organization that had organized and funded the tribunal. Was Milosevic silenced before he could expose the crimes of the United States and its NATO allies?

Closer inspection of the main causes of the crisis in the Balkans shows that the largest part of the responsibility for the destruction of Yugoslavia lies with the United States, Germany and other NATO allies. Every decision made by these allies was politically motivated and resulted in an escalation of the war and an increase in the number of conflicts among the population of Yugoslavia.
A few years after the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) demanded that wages be frozen. Because prices continued to increase, however, this resulted in a dramatic reduction in average income. Under the supervision of the World Bank, more than half of the Yugoslav banks were ruined in 1989 and 1990. According to official statistics, more than 1100 companies went bankrupt in that period, resulting in 625,000 workers losing their jobs. However, the World Bank was not yet satisfied. In September 1990, a record number of 2435 companies went bankrupt, and 1.3 million people became unemployed. Within two years, two-thirds of all the nation’s jobs had been sacrificed. Then, without any warning, all aid, credits and loans from the IMF and the World Bank were suspended. The fatal combination of measures that was forced on Yugoslavia had its origin in twenty-three articles that had been included in the United States law 1191 on November 5, in Foreign Operation Law 101/513. This contains regulations and stipulations regarding the economic destruction of enemy governments. As a result of this law, the federal government of Yugoslavia was no longer able to pay the interest on its foreign debts. Also, the nation’s industrial sector no longer had access to the raw material it needed. According to The New York Times of November 18, 1990, at that same moment a secret CIA document came into the open. That document predicted that Yugoslavia would collapse within eighteen months. In 1991, the European Council of Ministers followed the path laid out by the United States by intervening in the internal affairs of Yugoslavia through its own political demands and an economic intervention. As a result of these economic sanctions, the Yugoslav economy quickly fell apart.
During the Kosovo war, Lord Gilbert, the British Defense minister, in a remarkable statement admitted that NATO deliberately pushed for a war with Yugoslavia.397 To this it needs to be added that, years earlier, after the Maastricht summit, it became clear in what way the French President Mitterrand and John Major, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, had agreed to the dissolution of Yugoslavia. 398
Slobodan Milosevic was convinced of the need for a transition towards a market economy and a multi-party Democracy.399 The transformation of Serbia towards a Democratic civilian state took place under his leadership. However, throughout

397 “NATO war was deliberate”, in Targets of August, 2000, 2.
398 Michel Collon, Bluf Poker: De Grootmachten, Joegoslavie en de Komende Oorlo-gen, Berchem2000,91.
399 His conviction drove him straight into the arms of the leaders of the New World Order.

that process he adhered to Yugoslavia’s principle values: independence, freedom and social justice. And he turned his back on international capital when he used IMF loans to pay teachers and military personnel wages that had long been overdue.
Milosevic gave several speeches in which he described a group of dubious internationals that were deliberately creating chaos in the Balkans in order to take the next step en route to the New World Order. In earlier times, Milosevic had been the darling of the Rockefellers and their cronies when he carried out the economic reforms and privatizations of state companies that the IMF had imposed. As soon as he stopped listening to them, the leaders of the New World Order turned their backs on him. The Illuminati give orders and demand obedience, and anyone who is brave enough to resist them is in for a merciless treatment. In this sense, the actions against Yugoslavia were, in every way, representative of the nature of the mighty men who hide in the shadows. The cruel war against Yugoslavia is a clear warning to all countries in the world that want to remain independent! Slobodan MiloSevic can be considered the first political prisoner in the so-called “globalization” of capitalist ambitions. As a symbol of the resistance against the New World Order, he had to be condemned in a mock trial designed to approve NATO’s war crimes, and he had to serve as an example to the “unwilling” dissidents who refuse to serve the New World Order.
Enforcing the free market and conquering important oil routes were not the only reasons NATO went to war against Yugoslavia. NATO also wanted to show the world how important a global army was for world peace, and how effective such an army can be against a so-called aggressor. NATO and the military-industrial complex thus swindled their way to a new “legitimization”, and they used the conflict to test their logistics, their new communication systems and their reconnaissance technology in a “live” conflict. This aggressive military extention to foreign policy should serve as a warning to all potential areas of conflict. The Caucasus and Central Asia will be NATO’s future areas of operation.400 Long time ago, under the name GUUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbeizhan and Moldavia), a joint “Eurasian battalion” has been created, designed to be deployed in so-called “peace missions” in the region. The planned buffer zone just “happens” to be situated in an area through which Russian pipelines transport oil and gas to the West. NATO is used to fight uncooperative governments. Let the reader be warned: new conflicts and wars are already being prepared.

400 NATO After Enlargement, 1999, 231. This book was compiled by NATO strategists.


This report from Slobodan Milosevic “trial” and assassination is in its entirety taken from Chapter 36 of Robin deRuiters book: “Worldwide Evil and Misery. The Legacy of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines“. Can be purchased here. Greatly recommended.


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