Friday, 24/1/2025 | 12:32 UTC+2


  • John Patterson

    John Patterson ? “It disrupts the bioelectric system of your body, which is really your brain, your nervous system, and more” ? John tested Telstra digital systems for 25+ years. Over the time he realized the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. When he got moved to a new facility in between two towers, he got all

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  • Jeremy Bedford-Turner

    Jeremy Bedford-Turner (aka Jez Turner) 48, a well-known figure on Britiain’s nationalist right and the organiser of the London Forum, an event that creepily tries to mix respectable dissident right speakers (Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, Millennial Woes) with out-and-out loonies (Nazi fetishists, National Action shitheads, rent-a-skins, etc.), has been jailed for twelve months for “hate

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  • Ashley Mote

    Ashley Mote was an harsh critic of EU Fraud & Corruption, as well as seeking to disclose the Global Security Fund, set up in the early 1990s under the auspices of Jacob Rothschild. “Mr President, I wish to draw your attention to the Global Security Fund, set up in the early 1990s under the auspices

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  • Paul J Hansen

    Paul J Hansen has been arrested and due for trial on May 25th, 2015. Paul has been imprisoned on false charges of mail fraud and contempt of court.

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  • Thomas B. Manton

    Gulf human rights hero Thomas B. Manton falsely imprisoned, murdered. (NaturalNews) Former President and CEO of the International Oil Spill Control Corporation, Dr. Thomas B. Manton heroically fought to expose the truth about the massive Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, which was caused by a BP oil platform explosion in April 2010. However, all of

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  • Edgar J. Steele

    Attorney Edgar J. Steele, 64, was charged Friday – the same day the women were to be killed in a car crash meant to look like an accident, according to a probable-cause affidavit. A confidential witness occasionally employed by Steele met with the FBI Wednesday and told agents Steele would pay him to murder the

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  • Pedro Varela

    Israel Shamir inform us in an email that his publisher in Spain; Don Pedro Varela, is arrested. He was arrested for publishing books with a political incorrect content. 08.03.2010 Ha was also arrested back in 2006. Police said than that they confiscated 5000 books. Books, not bombs. All kinds of sick pornography is still

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  • Liu Xiaobo

    China: Dissident writer sentenced to 11 years for “subversion of state power.” He had told his readers not to confuse love of country with love of government. Very subversive thought, indeed. BEIJING — China’s leading dissident, Liu Xiaobo, was sentenced to 11 years in prison on Friday after a court found the 53-year-old literary scholar

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  • Sherry Jackson

    “America: Freedom to Fascism” star Sherry Jackson is Being Murdered. “My neck is swelling up like a blow fish and I am having trouble talking. I have been feeling very ill for the last two weeks. Congressman, I don’t want them to kill me in here. As you well know, I am being punished for

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  • John Wilson

    For over a decade Dr. John Wilson has taken court action seeking to have judges, government and banks obey the law. As his Website explains: “The banks have corrupted parliaments and courts in order to achieve their seemingly invincible position. Through the parliaments, banks have set in place legislation which forms the blue print and

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Dissident Net

A transparancy and non-corruption of justice or people activity by


January 2025