Friday, 14/3/2025 | 3:07 UTC+2


  • Alf Enerström

    During the early 1980s the physician Alf Enerström became well-known because of his advertisements attacking the leader of the Social democratic Party, Olof Palme. The ads were signed “The Opposition in the Social Democratic Party” and Enerström claimed to represent real Social Democracy, as he stated that the main party had its basic goals corrupted

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  • Roy Tov

    The Road to Bethlehem tells the true story of Roy Tov, the first Christian Israeli citizen to have been recognized as a refugee by a sovereign country due to active persecution by his own government. The book’s author spent much of his exile in Asia, where the book largely takes place; later, he wrote most

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  • Margie Schoedinger

    The late Bush associate Margie Schoedinger’s sudden death after she filed a 50 million dollar lawsuit against George W. Bush ruled as a suicide? A single gunshot to the head.

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  • George F. Wittkopp

    Thought Crime: Government panel suspends doctor’s right to practice medicine’ because he talked about the ‘new world order’ A state government panel in Oregon has barred a psychiatrist from practicing medicine because he talked to his patients about the “new world order,” saying such discussions could cause “emotional duress.” George F. Wittkopp, M.D., 60, signed

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  • Stephen Downs

    NEW YORK (Reuters) – A lawyer was arrested late Monday and charged with trespassing at a public mall in the state of New York after refusing to take off a T-shirt advocating peace that he had just purchased at the mall. According to the criminal complaint filed Monday, Stephen Downs was wearing a T-shirt bearing

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  • Martin Armstrong

    Martin Armstrong (born 1950) is the former chairman of Princeton Economics International Ltd. Indicted in 1999 on charges of bilking Japanese investors, he spent seven years jailed for contempt of court before finally pleading guilty in 2007, and he is now serving a five-year sentence for conspiracy to commit fraud.[1] Martin’s eye is badly infected

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  • Manfred Roeder

    An outspoken German Nationalist was sentenced Thursday to two years in prison without parole for “denying” the Holocaust. Manfred Roeder, 70, was sentenced for having refered to the Holocaust as “humbug” during an August 1998 election rally in the eastern German city of Stralsund. With no First Amendment to protect them, Germans face legal action

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  • Guenter Deckert

    Guenter Deckert was arrested and served five years in prison in Germany for translating a speech by Fred Leuchter into German. These statements caused a public outcry: spokespeople for the Jewish community crying foul, the prosecutor decrying Orlet’s opinions as “instructions” for denying the Holocaust, the German justice minister calling it “a slap in the

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  • John Todd

    John Todd, former occultist and Illuminati member explains the truth about how the elite of this world, namely the Illuminati and the Occult have infiltrated our world today, including the Christian realm. A must listen for any Christian and non Christian who are interested in a behind the scenes look and examinations of intentions of

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March 2025