Wednesday, 12/3/2025 | 4:36 UTC+2


  • Nils Trædal

    Leder av bondepartiet i Norge, prost Nils Trædal, led en voldsom død i 1948 like før han skulle redegjøre for Stortinget om hendelsene under 2. verdenskrig, deriblant om Hjemmefrontledelsens fascistiske tendenser og om dens forsøk på å slutte særfred med Adolf Hitler i 1940. I forslaget inngikk at Kong Håkon VII skulle avsettes. Dødsfallet ble

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  • Bertram Dybwad Brochmann

    “Det her nevnte får innledningsvis være nok til å forklare at jeg med all min kraf og tro og evne i Jesus Kristi navn erklærer vår skole og det kristnede statshedenskap og den kristnede mammondyrkelse og jødedom krig så lenge jeg lever“, sa han på s. 22 av sin bok “Verdens Frelser. Sett og opplevet”.

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  • John Demjanjuk

    Extradited, charged, tried, convicted and sentenced to death by hanging. Spent many years in prison. Background and contribution: Demjanjuk was a Ukrainian autoworker and former camp guard whose grotesque case saw him extradited to Israel from the USA for trial. Convicted to death by hanging, but ultimately released by the Israeli Supreme Court, who obviously

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  • Jerome Brentar

    His reputation tarnished and his company boycotted, Brentar lost his livelihood for saving a man from the noose. Background and contribution: This Croation-American trained social worker and Christian activist has helped every falsely accused “war criminal” – from Frank Walus to Dr. Arthur Rudolf to Mr. Bartesch. He was of immense help to John Demjanjuk.

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  • Imre Finta

    Victimized by the media and financially totally ruined by civil law suits mismanaged by his first lawyers. Criminally charged and prosecuted as a “war criminal” in Canada. Background and contribution: A retired Hungarian police captain, Finta was accused by Sabina Citron and others for allegedly persecuting Jews in Hungary during the war. After lengthy legal

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  • Tom Soobzokov

    The most notorious of these murders was the assassination of an American civil servant named Tom Soobzokov in Paterson N.J. in August of 1985.  Because Soobzokov had recently won a huge award in his $50 million lawsuit against New York Times Books and a Zionist propagandist named Howard Blum, he had been marked for death

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