Wednesday, 12/3/2025 | 4:33 UTC+2


  • Victor Ostrovsky

    “When Israels Mossad set out to break me, it found its helpers here at home” by Victor Ostrovsky Victor Ostrovsky published two books on his experiences as a former Intelligence agent working for the State of Israel: By Way of Deception and The Other side of Deception. In these he recorded his personal observations made

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  • John Tower

    Suspicious death On April 5, 1991, Tower was killed along with 23 other people in the crash of Atlantic Southeast Airlines Flight 2311 on approach for landing at Brunswick, Georgia. Also killed in the crash were Tower’s 35-year old daughter, Marianne, and astronaut Sonny Carter. Some conspiracy theorists argue that Tower’s demise was because he

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  • Lyndon LaRouche

    LaRouche – Dissident to be assasinated: (Larouche was arrested by George Bush Sr. on bogus charges for trying to reform the bad economic system we have) From LaRouch Political action. Join for a better America; Lyndon LaRouche a leading economist and expert that puts other economists to shame has first hand experience of predicting

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  • Louis T. McFadden

    On May 23, 1933, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON. The petition for Articles of Impeachment

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  • Nils Trædal

    Leder av bondepartiet i Norge, prost Nils Trædal, led en voldsom død i 1948 like før han skulle redegjøre for Stortinget om hendelsene under 2. verdenskrig, deriblant om Hjemmefrontledelsens fascistiske tendenser og om dens forsøk på å slutte særfred med Adolf Hitler i 1940. I forslaget inngikk at Kong Håkon VII skulle avsettes. Dødsfallet ble

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  • Norulv Øvrebotten Norulv Øvrebotten var Johan Jørgen Holst‘s personlige sekretær, og dermed bygger Arne Haugestad i boken sin kanskje en bro uten å vite det også til Anne Orderud Paust, og Orderud saken, som var kollega av Øvrebotten, under den samme Johan Jørgen Holst. På en eller annen måte er alle som jobbet for Holst ‘satt

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  • John F. Kennedy Jr.

    What do we do about the information coming out on the explosion of JFK Jr.’s plane? The day it happened I wrote that JFK Jr. was doing more than any other American media figure to get to the bottom of the Rabin assassination truth. I reminded readers that his magazine George ran a 13 page

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  • John F. Kennedy

    JOHN F. KENNEDY APRIL 27, 1961 SPEECH The President and the Press: American Newspaper Publishers Association Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen: I appreciate very much your generous invitation to be here tonight. You bear heavy responsibilities these days and an article I read some time ago reminded me of how particularly

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  • Dr David Kelly

    The Murder of Dr. David Kelly: Alex Jones Interviews Michael Shrimpton Shocking new details about the death of Dr David Kelly emerged exclusively today on the Alex Jones radio show. Michael Shrimpton, a UK national security lawyer who was a guest on the show, revealed that sources within MI5 and MI6 are `furious’ that Kelly

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  • John Smith

    Tony Blair also murdered John Smith 06.08.2005 22:23 Tony Blair (or Bliar as we call him) wanted to be leader of the Labour Party. But he couldn’t because John Smith was leader. So he had him killed so he could be leader instead. He didn’t kill him himself. He got someone else to do his

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