Sunday, 23/2/2025 | 3:06 UTC+2


  • Haviv Schieber

    Driven to attempted suicide Background and contribution: A Polish Jew and former mayor of Ber Sheeba in Israel, Schieber taught Ernst Zündel much about Israeli reality. He was an Israeli Revisionist, wanting to revise Israel’s attitudes, institutions and borders. He fled Israel to find safety in the USA, was denied political asylum at first, and

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  • Johan Jørgen Holst

    Ikke autorisert fra “de som har snakket sammen” til å lage Oslo-avtalen. Et beleilig dødsfall. ‘heart-attacked’ ala Jorgen Holst. Norwegian Prime Minister who provided the meeting center of Oslo Accords. Noen ønsket ikke en fredsavtale av denne sort. Norulv Øvrebotten var Johan Jørgen Host’s personlige sekretær, og dermed bygger Arne Haugestad i boken Kappefall om

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  • Dag Hammarskjold

    “Dag Hammarskjold had now come into the same position as Folke Bernadotte seven years earlier. Israel did not want peace, it wanted war to gain more land, and the U.N. Secretary General stood in its way. When pressure from England and the United States was put on Israel, Ben Gurion responded that no land was

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  • Folke Bernadotte

    Count Folke Bernadotte, the United Nation’s Mediator on Palestine, who was brutally murdered by a Zionist terror gang near Jerusalem in 1948. The assassination of Bernadotte, ‘at the hands of the Israeli terrorist organization’ began a lethal Swedish connection with Palestine,’ Ashrawi wrote. ‘Palestine lost its first Swedish champion,’ Ashrawi wrote, when Bernadotte ‘was brutally

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  • Anna Lindh

    Anna Lindh was a strong anti-Zionist, and as the foreign minister of Sweden since 1998, she had carried out the policies of the Swedish Social Democratic Government. In an interview in October 2001, she made the following remarks: “Israeli settlements on the West Bank must go; there must be a Palestinian state; Israel must vacate

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  • Olof Palme

    Christopher Bollyn: “In 1986, then Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was shot as he walked home from the cinema with his wife. As Ashrawi noted, Palme had sought recognition for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and a validation for the peaceful resolution of the conflict through ending the 1967 Israeli occupation of Palestinian and other

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  • Henry Makow

    Makow, jewish writer, was born on Nov. 12, 1949, in Zurich, Switzerland. As a child he moved with his family to Canada, settling in Ottawa. He soon learned English and at the age of 11 was eager to work for spending money.

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  • Gilad Atzmon

    Gilad Atzmon (Hebrew: גלעד עצמון‎, born June 9, 1963) is a jazz musician, author and anti-Zionist activist who was born in Israel and currently lives in London. He was born a secular Israeli Jew in Tel Aviv, and trained at the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem. His service in the Israeli military convinced him

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