Wednesday, 23/10/2024 | 1:32 UTC+2


  • Horst Mahler

    Horst Mahler is currently serving a 12-years sentence for ‘Volksverhetzung’ (‘inciting popular hatred’) and Holocaust denial. On February 21, 2009, Mahler was sentenced by a Munich court to six years’ imprisonment without possibility of reduction or bail. During the reading of the verdict, the judge said that Mahler had proven “not able to be

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  • Kevin MacDonald

    In 1994, Kevin MacDonald’s writes his first book in what became his trilogy. It was titled ‘ A People that Shall Dwell Alone: An Evolutionary Theory of Judaism’. “There have been times when I have had to endure vicious charges of anti-Semitism” [ ] “But then came the SPLC and Heidi Beirich. Someone not connected

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  • Kåre Willoch

    The former Norwegian Prime Minister, Kåre Willoch, was told he is a anti-semit and shows hate towards jews, by jewish Mona Levin from Aftenposten in Norway in january 2009. On question on how he looked at the prospects for the middle east with the new american presidency under Obama, he answered: “It is not looking

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  • Paul Wellstone

    Wellstone was born in Washington D.C. to Ukrainian-Jewish immigrants, Leon and Minnie Wellstone, and raised in Arlington, Virginia. Originally, his family name was Wexelstein, but his father changed the name to Wellstone in the 1930s when he encountered virulent anti-semitism. Wellstone was known for his work for peace, the environment, labor, and health care; he

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  • Kenny Johannemann

    Johannemann’s account of 9-11 included basement explosions, which are viewed by some 9/11 researchers, like talk radio host Alex Jones, as support for the 9-11 Truth Movement. Many researchers into 9/11 view Johannemann’s suicide with suspicion. It is alleged that he fell into depression and alcoholism, and was facing eviction from his New York City

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  • Barry Jennings

    Emergency Coordinator Barry Jennings (52) gives his explosive account from inside WTC7 hours before its collapse on 9/11. Barry Jennings passed away on 8/19/2008, two days before NIST’s WTC7 report was released to the public. Michael Hess has now gone on record with the BBC claiming that no explosions took place inside WTC7. They murdered

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  • Beverly Eckert

    MURDERED by THE US GOV/CIA because HER SILENCE COULD NOT BE BOUGHT ABOUT 911!! If you do some research, you’ll find over the past 60 years many government foes, witnesses, and employees who knew too much, have met their fate in suspicious plane crashes, and other means. Check out Barry Jennings on youtube. Maybe you

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  • Phil Schneider

    In May, 1995, Phil Schneider did a lecture on what he had discovered. Seven months later he was tortured and killed by those for whom he had previously worked. This man’s final acts should not go unnoticed. “The federal government has invented an earthquake device. I am a geologist, and I know what I am

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  • Kevin Alfred Strom

    “If you want to identify the real rulers of any society, simply ask yourself this question: Who is it that I cannot criticize ?” – Kevin Alfred Strom Born in 1956 in Anchorage, Alaska, the son of third-generation Norwegian-American parents, Kevin Alfred Strom moved to northern Virginia as a child. He attended George Mason University

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  • Serge Monast

    Serge Monast and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of “heart attacks” within weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease. Serge was in Canada. The other Canadian journalist was visiting Ireland. Prior to his death, the Canadian government abducted Serge’s daughter in an attempt to

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