Tuesday, 22/10/2024 | 12:12 UTC+2


  • David Chase Taylor

    America’s Most Wanted: The Case Of David Chase Taylor Published 4 days prior on January 28, 2011, David Chase Taylor’s free ebook, entitled The Nuclear Bible, specifically named Super Bowl XLV on February 6, 2011, in Dallas, Texas, as the target, date and location of the impending nuclear terror attack. The Nuclear Bible, which took

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  • Craig Cobb

    Craig Cobb the founder of Podblanc.com Arrested in Estonia! Eesti rejected my asylum & put me in jail. They called me racist, said there is now a ten year ban on me in Estonia since Feb. of 2007. They said in court that the kingdom of Sweden had some trial in Absenta agaist me –

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  • Jack Bernstein

    Wrote the book ‘The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel‘. Written in 1985 by Jack Bernstein. Jack Bernstein was later murdered by the Israeli Mossad.

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  • Victor Ostrovsky

    “When Israels Mossad set out to break me, it found its helpers here at home” by Victor Ostrovsky Victor Ostrovsky published two books on his experiences as a former Intelligence agent working for the State of Israel: By Way of Deception and The Other side of Deception. In these he recorded his personal observations made

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  • Andrei Sakharov

    RUSSIAN DISSIDENT WRITER STRIPPED OF SOVIET CITIZENSHIP One of the three founding members of the Moscow Human Rights Committee, 1970 (Dr. Sakharov and Andrei Tverdokhlebov). Were given exit permits to give lectures in the United States but then not allowed back to Russia. He was an unlikely activist. Born in Moscow in 1921, Sakharov was

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  • Alexander Ginzburg

    Alexander Ginzburg and the Resistance to Totalitarian Evil, Then and Now By Jamie Glazov FrontPageMagazine.com | August 6, 2002 Alexander Ginzburg, 65, a former leading Soviet dissident, died on July 19, 2002 in his adopted city of Paris. Ginzburg fought for human rights during the Khrushchev and Brezhnev eras and was frequently jailed for his

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  • Zhores Medvedev

    RUSSIAN DISSIDENT WRITER STRIPPED OF SOVIET CITIZENSHIP Zhores Aleksandrovich Medvedev born Nov. 14, 1925, Tbilisi, Georgia, U.S.S.R. [now in Georgia] Soviet biologist who became an important dissident historian in the second half of the 20th century. For a full exposition of the possibilities of behaviouralist psychiatry as means of social and political control we have

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  • Vladimir Maximov

    RUSSIAN DISSIDENT WRITER STRIPPED OF SOVIET CITIZENSHIP On November 27th the well-known Russian dissident writer of the 1970s and 80s Vladimir Maksimov would have turned 70. A sad joke illustrates the gloomy atmosphere of those times: “Don’t think. If you think, don’t write. If you think and write, don’t sign. If you think, write and

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  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was becoming a dissident against the U.S.S.R. and the restricting communist government after he was arrested for the first time. He, through his entire life, was willing to sacrifice everything he had in order to point out that censorship was wrong and people should be able to speak their mind. ————— About his

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  • Victor Sokolov

    RUSSIAN DISSIDENT WRITER STRIPPED OF SOVIET CITIZENSHIP On September 7, 1976, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decreed that Victor Sokolov be deprived of his Soviet citizenship for “activities discrediting the rank (title) of a Soviet citizen.” Victor Sokolov is a dissident writer who has regularly published articles critical of the Soviet

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