Saturday, 15/3/2025 | 11:46 UTC+2


  • Imre Finta

    Victimized by the media and financially totally ruined by civil law suits mismanaged by his first lawyers. Criminally charged and prosecuted as a “war criminal” in Canada. Background and contribution: A retired Hungarian police captain, Finta was accused by Sabina Citron and others for allegedly persecuting Jews in Hungary during the war. After lengthy legal

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  • Walter Lüftl

    President of Austrian Chamber of Engineers relieved from his elected post after questioning Gas Chambers story on enginering grounds. Background and contribution: Lüftl was elected to represent 4000 austrian Architects and Construction engineers and was for years a court approved expert witness in cases involving engineering matters.  Simon Wiesenthal and his friends in the media

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  • Gerd Honsik

    Convicted, fined and driven into exile. Background and contribution: Honsik, an Austrian writer and poet, wrote several devastating books – one exposing Simon Wiesenthal, one titled “Freispruch für Hitler” and a third “33 Witnesses against the Gas Chamber Lie.” He was convicted in Austria and Germany to fines in excess of DM 50,000 and forced

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  • Ivan Lagace

    Became the target of several Royal Canadian Mounted Police raids. Resigned from his job as crematory director after receiving endless threats by anonymous callers and from thugs claiming to be the Jewish Defense League. Background and contribution: A crematory expert from Calgary, Alberta, who had been responsible for the disposing of 10,000 bodies in his

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  • David Irving

    Convicted, jailed, fined, deported and barred from numerous countries – and hounded world-wide by Holocaust Enforcers. Background and contribution: A prolific British author of approximately 36 books and recognized authority on Hitler and World War II, Irving pretty much believed and accepted the standard Holocaust version – until he read the Leuchter Report. He agreed

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  • Fred Leuchter

    Arrested and jailed in Germany. Financially ruined. Background and contribution: An American execution expert, Leuchter designed and maintained gas chambers for several US penal institutions. He was sent by Ernst Zündel to investigate Auschwitz, Majdanek, Dachau, Hartheim and other alleged “Nazi Death Camps” and “gassing facilities.” Author of the devastating series of Leuchter Reports. (I,

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  • Udo Walendy

    Convicted and imprisoned in Germany for 15 months, even though already in his seventies and in poor health with a serious heart condition. Background and contribution: A prolific German researcher, writer and publisher of numerous books and a series of popular booklets called “Historische Tatsachen”- (“Historical Truths”) including the German version of “Did Six Million

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  • Tjiudar Rudolph

    Imprisoned in Germany for lengthy stints for “doubting the Holocaust”, even though he was in his mid-eighties at the time. Background and contribution: A former German Security Service member, fluent in five languages including Yiddish and Polish, Rudolph was involved with organizing Red Cross inspection tours of Auschwitz and other camps during the war. He

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  • Henri Roques

    Had his doctorate revoked. Background and contribution: Henri Rocques is a French author and researcher who exposed the Myth of Pope Pius XII’s complicity in the Holocaust. His doctoral thesis made world-wide headlines in 1986 when, for the first time in the nearly eight-century history of French universities, a duly awarded doctorate was quickly revoked

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  • Emil Lachout

    The Commission conducted an investigation, in which Lachout was involved, into the allegation that a gas chamber had been used in Mauthausen. It concluded that there were no gas chambers in the camp. In the investigations he was involved in, they found that many of the accusations made, particularly by former concentration camp inmates, were

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