Friday, 14/3/2025 | 6:11 UTC+2


  • John F. Kennedy

    JOHN F. KENNEDY APRIL 27, 1961 SPEECH The President and the Press: American Newspaper Publishers Association Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen: I appreciate very much your generous invitation to be here tonight. You bear heavy responsibilities these days and an article I read some time ago reminded me of how particularly

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  • Amiram Nir

    Former CIA deep cover agent Gene “Chip” Tatum on the murder of Amiram Nir. Abbreviated transcript of Gene Tatum’s appearance on the Rob Lori radio show out of Tampa, Florida: ROBERT LORI: Okay,  let’s  talk  about that. Amiram Nir  is an Israeli intelligence person. And I’m not sure whether he worked for the government or

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  • Wayne Owens

    Wayne owens, U.S. Congressman, murdered by “serial killer” Shimon Peres December 21, 2002 Here is why Rep. Wayne Owens was murdered in Tel Aviv. He is another victim of Shimon Peres’ decades old murderama. Let us begin with some background from the Washington Post before we sort out the murder: Friday, December 20, 2002; Page

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  • Dr. Robert Countess

    Vilified by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and the intervenor lawyers in the most recent Political Show Trial case of Ernst Zündel. Background and contribution: The American Revisionist, former army chaplain, lecturer, writer and globe-trotting good-will ambassador, Dr. Robert Countess, was targeted for a special smear- and vilification campaign by Jewish intervenors at the Zündel

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  • Ingrid Rimland

    Vilified by the ADL as an “Extremist.” Had her new trilogy “Lebensraum!” seized by the hundreds and banned in Canada as “hate material.” Background and contribution: A relative newcomer to Revisionism, Ingrid Rimland is best known for her novels dealing with World War II that bring to life and explain the underlying reasons of the

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  • Carlos Porter

    Charged, tried in absentia, and convicted in Germany. Background and contribution: An American ex-patriate, skilled linguist and translator living in Belgium and author of numerous books – “Not Guilty at Nuremberg”, “Made in Russia: The Holocaust” subtitled “The German Defenses Case” – Porter was charged by the Germans in 1997. He refused to attend the

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  • David Cole

    Became a victim of the JDL. Was physically beaten. Had his life threatened on the Internet by the Jewish Defense League. Background and contribution: This young Jewish Revisionist filmmaker came to the defense of Ernst Zündel when Zündel needed defending. Subsequently, Zündel and Cole made a film in Auschwitz, with David Cole pointing out all

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  • Erhard Kemper

    Arrested, tried and jailed in Germany, even though he was a US citizen. Background and contribution: German-American author and publisher of a German- as well as an English-language newsletter (GANPAC Brief and USA-Berichte), Schmidt was arrested in 1995 for having written about a “Jew- and Freemason infested” oligarchy and media ruling today’s Germany. He spent

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  • Michael Hoffman II

    Viciously character-assassinated. Background and contribution: Hoffman is a former Associated Press reporter and author of the first book on Ernst Zündel’s 1985 Trial, a biography that has undergone many printings. He is an indefatigable Revisionist researcher. He publishes a monthly newsletter titled Revisionist History, and is the author and publisher of numerous books and booklets.

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  • Bradley Smith

    Viciously character-assassinated and kicked off his web server. Background and contribution: A Libertarian, former bookstore owner, bullfighter, writer and broadcaster, Smith runs the wildly successful “Campus Project”, placing ads in college and university student papers and asking for an open debate on the Holocaust. He is the owner of the popular CODOH website, known to

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Dissident Net

A transparancy and non-corruption of justice or people activity by


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