Tuesday, 22/10/2024 | 12:12 UTC+2

They Can Get You If They Want

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If the authorities are out to get you, no matter if you are as innocent as an angel, the chances of their succeeding are excellent.

Here’s why:

* The laws are so complicated that they can always find something you ‘did’.

* They can entrap you.

* They can find an enemy of yours — a disgruntled neighbor, ex- spouse, boss or co-worker are obvious choices — or just some imprisoned sleazebag, who will testify against you in exchange for getting off his case.

* They can indict you for something small, but then use that to pile on the charges, eg, conspiracy (with your family), possession of criminal tools (screwdriver, knife), possession of bomb-making equipment (common household chemicals), or false statements to a law enforcement officer (denying your guilt).

* If you have had a previous brush with the law, they can make a trivial act into something major by calling you a ‘repeat offender’.

* They can use the charges to get your professional license canceled or denied.

* They can indict you for a hate crime if you said something politically incorrect, or if they can show from the things you read that you have a ‘bias’.

* They can threaten a loved one.

* They can prevent you from defending yourself in court by freezing your assets, concealing or lying to you about exculpatory evidence, using delaying tactics, or the like.

* They can force your lawyer to reveal information you have given him in confidence.

* If you are imprisoned, they can listen to your conversations with visitors.

* If you have a public defender, not only will you not get much legal assistance, but they can lean on the public defender to sabotage any defense.

* They can draw out legal proceedings to bankrupt you, or cause you to lose your job.

* They can indict you a second time on the same charges, moving them from ‘criminal’ to ‘civil’ — and in the process making it easier to convict you because ‘proof’ in a civil trial is easier.

* They can indict you for the same offense but use a different law.

* They can indict you on state charges, and if that doesn’t work, they can indict you on federal charges.

* They can keep you in prison when you can’t make an (outrageous) bail requirement. That, then, will allow them to refuse you vital foods and medicine, and to soften you up with daily gang-rapes by packs of negro savages, resulting in your committing suicide — or being ‘suicided’.

* They can put something illegal on your computer by sending you an email: You erase it, but they ‘find’ it with sophisticated ‘unerase’ programs.

* They can claim your behavior has a ‘pattern’, hence you are guilty of conspiracy, money-laundering, terrorism, etc.

* They can claim the necessity of imprisoning you under anti-terrorism law using Star-Chamber proceedings, and you are never seen again.

* They can plant drugs on you, in your car, or in your home. You will never know, but when the drug-sniffing dog starts pawing, get ready for ‘justice’.

* They can find something wrong with your tax return — something that’s easy to do with law that’s impossibly complicated, as is the IRS code.

* They can plant malicious code on a website you visit frequently, then plumb your computer for information they can use against you. And if they don’t find anything, they can always §plant§ something.

* They can send their ‘evidence’ to a ‘laboratory’ and then claim that it proves you are guilty, while you may have no idea where they got their ‘evidence’, what the lab tests show, what the likelihood of error is, or whether the results are simply fraudulent.

Perhaps the reader will feel that the above list is unduly cynical, and that real law enforcement personnel would never go to such lengths. But that’s just not true. Some of the most outrageous cases in recent judicial history have involved acts mentioned above, and anyone who is at all familiar with law enforcement will know that most or all of the things mentioned are easily possible, and may be expected in cases where prosecutors are under political pressure, are out to make a name for themselves, or for other reasons easily imagined. As Nobelist James Buchanan has pointed out in his prizewinning work, government workers have personal agendas, and for the most part they do not involve ‘justice’ or ‘fairness’, but instead are about promotions, power and ego trips.




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