Thursday, 23/1/2025 | 11:12 UTC+2


  • Edgar J. Steele

    Attorney Edgar J. Steele, 64, was charged Friday – the same day the women were to be killed in a car crash meant to look like an accident, according to a probable-cause affidavit. A confidential witness occasionally employed by Steele met with the FBI Wednesday and told agents Steele would pay him to murder the

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  • Pedro Varela

    Israel Shamir inform us in an email that his publisher in Spain; Don Pedro Varela, is arrested. He was arrested for publishing books with a political incorrect content. 08.03.2010 Ha was also arrested back in 2006. Police said than that they confiscated 5000 books. Books, not bombs. All kinds of sick pornography is still

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  • Tribute to Silenced Christian NWO Researchers

    Tribute to those who have been persecuted for exposing the evil new world order while proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With respect to new world order research ask yourself this question: Why is it that the researchers who expose the occult, new age, and esoteric nature of the new world order while offering a

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  • Sherry Jackson

    “America: Freedom to Fascism” star Sherry Jackson is Being Murdered. “My neck is swelling up like a blow fish and I am having trouble talking. I have been feeling very ill for the last two weeks. Congressman, I don’t want them to kill me in here. As you well know, I am being punished for

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  • U.S. government moves to muzzle dissident voices

    By Scott Martelle | Associated Press, December 7, 2004 In the summer of 1956, Russian poet Boris Pasternak — a favorite of the recently deceased Joseph Stalin — delivered his epic “Doctor Zhivago” manuscript to a Soviet publishing house, hoping for a warm reception and a fast track to readers who had shared Russia’s torturous

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  • Suppression of dissent, Definitions

    Suppression of dissent — action taken in an attempt to stop or penalise a person who makes a public statement or does something that is seen as a threat to a powerful interest group, such as a government, corporation or profession. Typical actions include ostracism, harassment, censorship, forced job transfer, reprimands and dismissal. Suppression is

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  • Moderators kommentar til forholdene i Norge

    Samfunnskritikk og opposisjonelles vilkår i Norge, er en lengre artikkel undertegnede har skrevet om dette. Hovedkonklusjonen er at samfunnsengasjement i Norge verdsettes så lenge en holder seg innenfor ortoksien eller det politisk korrekte. I motsatt fall forfølges og kveles det… Det aller beste er å holde kjeft, og tute med ulvene, men så er det

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  • BANESÅR; – Dissidenters vilkår i menneskerettighetslandet

    – Dissidenters vilkår i menneskerettighetslandet – Karakterdrap og gapestokk i politiske prosesser Vi vil i boken vise samfunnskritikeres og den maktopposisjonelles begredelige skjebne, og den motsatt positive skjebne som blir dem til del som er “systemtro”, dvs. tro mot den tverrpolitiske klikk som har styrt vårt land siden 1945 til d.d., og hvor vi skal

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  • They Can Get You If They Want

    If the authorities are out to get you, no matter if you are as innocent as an angel, the chances of their succeeding are excellent. Here’s why: * The laws are so complicated that they can always find something you ‘did’. * They can entrap you. * They can find an enemy of yours —

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  • Secret Prophecy Letter From Armenia – 1852

    “Run, run My people, whom I brought out from the places which have inherited the curse. Run into the wilderness with a heart thirsting for my water. Gather My Children, unto Zion, because the Kings of the earth are rejecting Me and the nations are turning against My people.” (Psalm Two – SCB) My blessing

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Dissident Net

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