Saturday, 22/2/2025 | 10:36 UTC+2

Kevin Alfred Strom

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“If you want to identify the real rulers of any society, simply ask yourself this question: Who is it that I cannot criticize ?”
– Kevin Alfred Strom

Born in 1956 in Anchorage, Alaska, the son of third-generation Norwegian-American parents, Kevin Alfred Strom moved to northern Virginia as a child. He attended George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia but did not take a degree, describing his education as ‘mainly the product of my own reading and interaction with several of the finest friends, teachers, and mentors a man could ever want this side of ancient Athens.’ His interest in politics and ideas began when he was only 12 years old. He worked with William L. Pierce, Richard Cotten, and Revilo Oliver beginning in the early 1980s, producing hundreds of radio, audio and video programs, thousands of essays, and numerous articles, books, periodicals and anthologies.

The former Managing Director of National Vanguard. In 1982, Kevin Alfred Strom became a member of the National Alliance, a group that has been described as anti-Semitic and racist, and neo-Nazi. In 1991, he founded and frequently delivered the American Dissident Voices shortwave and Internet radio broadcasts. In 1995, he founded and edited Free Speech magazine, published by the Alliance as an adjunct to the radio program. In early 2002, a few months before his death from cancer on July 23, the Alliance’s founder, William Luther Pierce, named Strom editor of National Vanguard magazine and Media Director for the Alliance. Pierce also named Strom editor of the Alliance’s monthly Bulletin.

Dedicated to exposing alien influence, corruption and criminality in government and the media, Kevin Strom has made powerful enemies and, despite his gentle and law-abiding nature, has found himself falsely charged with crime and wrongdoing on several occasions.

In the 1990s he was falsely charged with assaulting a corrupt federal intelligence officer at a demonstration against violent Communist/ANC terrorist Nelson Mandela. He was acquitted because, unknown at the time to the intelligence officer, another police unit had videotaped the entire affair — and the tape showed that the officer (6′2″, 250 lbs., heavily armed) attacked Strom (5′9″, 155 lbs., unarmed) in a completely unprovoked manner, not the other way around.

A few years later, utterly preposterous allegations of  ‘terrorism’ were used to severely, and heartbreakingly, restrict his parenting time with his three young children.

In 2004, he was directly threatened with malicious prosecution by Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) agent Joe Thompson.

In 2007, he was again falsely charged, this time with sexual crimes involving children, after a direct threat from his disturbed and angry second wife that she would ‘ruin’ him with false allegations of pedophilia so he would ‘never work again’ in his chosen field, accusations which she threatened would also cause him to lose custody of his daughter and two sons. She demanded money and forced him under duress from these threats to put his signature on a quitclaim deed and other documents to further her aims. When he stopped acceding to her demands, she followed through on her threats and began working with the JTTF, in the meantime selling or destroying almost all of Mr. Strom’s property, including the papers and library of Revilo P. Oliver, in which crime she was assisted by the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Kevin Strom found himself — utterly, totally, and outrageously falsely — accused by the JTTF (not the agency usually involved in such matters) of crimes which could have put him in prison for more than 50 years: multiple counts of possession of child pornography, ‘receiving’ child pornography, sexual enticement of a child, and witness tampering. Because of concerns about negative publicity from a very hostile press polluting the jury pool, and because of absurdly draconian laws operative in such cases restricting bond, and because of the hostility engendered by the press’s false depictions of him as a ‘hater’ and ‘supremacist,’ he was locked in solitary confinement, 24 hours a day, in a filthy room smaller than some closets, for a year and a half.  While in solitary, he was not even allowed to receive visits from his children.

He made history in Federal Court in October 2007, defeating the claims of ‘witness tampering’ and ‘enticement,’ which the judge found so baseless that, for the first time in that district, the charges were thrown out without the defense having to utter a single word of its case — though the corporate media reported it as if Kevin had been convicted, not acquitted, and twisted the judge’s words as he summarized the prosecution’s case to make it sound as if said summary was the opinion of the court. Kevin Strom was also completely cleared of any improper behavior toward children by the local social services agency which investigated the allegations, and by investigative interviews with the individual young people involved who truthfully said he had never done anything inappropriate. He was also declared completely free of pedophilia by a licensed psychological counselor. Nevertheless, the government was determined to continue the prosecution, no matter how weak their case.

While he was incarcerated and effectively silenced, his estranged wife published altered documents and edited recordings in an attempt to further harm Kevin’s reputation. She even distributed fliers in his parents’ and children’s neighborhoods attacking him and claiming that he’d been convicted of the charges of which he’d actually been acquitted.

In 2008, though innocent of any interest or trafficking in child pornography, he faced a difficult choice: the Federal prosecutor and the JTTF said in effect that he could plead guilty to one count and be guaranteed to be home with his children in a few months; or take a chance against emotionally-charged perjured testimony in a trial involving six counts for one alleged crime (conviction on any count of which could result in ten years in Federal prison) and possibly not see his children for a decade or more — or perhaps never again. Deciding that he could not gamble on never seeing his children or being a father again, and knowing that the JTTF would suborn perjury from their star witness and others as they had before, and knowing that juries like to convict in such cases, he pled guilty to one count — and only to inadvertent possession of fewer than ten files placed and/or modified on his computer by his estranged wife, or deleted unseen from a Usenet forum. He was released in September 2008 and now lives with his children in Charlottesville, Virginia.

‘I’m rebuilding my life with my family now,’ he said in a recent conversation. ‘Soon I’m going to try and get some redress in the local courts for all my possessions and my children’s possessions — and the precious and irreplaceable historical papers from Pierce, Oliver and many others — that were stolen or destroyed.

‘And I will earnestly work to restore my stolen and sullied reputation,’ he stated. ‘Soon I’ll publish my Address to the Court with supporting documentation, which will go a long way in that direction.

When asked about future plans, he said ‘I’m a writer. I’m a publisher. I intend to continue that work. I have a responsibility to tell others what I have learned. Initially, I’ll re-establish my own presence on the ‘Net, get the latest persecution behind me as best I can, and create new publications and new media so that the ideals of self-determination and human evolutionary progress can gain an ever-wider audience.

‘My children are now 15, 13, and 11. I’m going to be the best father I can be. The greatest thing I ever did with my life, by far, was become a father. Maybe sometime soon I’ll meet someone special and find love. Maybe I’ll become a Dad again. That’s one of my beautiful dreams. My dreams sustain me. The nightmare is over.’



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