Saturday, 15/3/2025 | 11:22 UTC+2


  • Eric Rainbolt

    Eric Rainbolt, owner of Had his internet store hacked. anybody knows more, please add by replying here…….

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  • Robin Cook

    Earlier foreign minister of the United Kingdom, who was opposing Blairs and NWO camapign for invading Iraq, is dead under a walk with his wife in the mountains. Any indications that this is a assasination of a person that know too much? Anybody with some more info, please add up on this topic, by replying

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  • Steinar Bastesen

    Som en av de eneste politikere i Norge har Bastesen våget å ta opp temaet om Bilderbergerne, elitens tenketank, i Stortinget spørretime (2003), hvor han spør om det er heldig for representantenes integritet å delta i internasjonale globaliseringsnettverk som dette. En tid før dette (2001) lå han nede for telling med hjerneslag mens han inntok

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  • Arve Kirkevik

    Politiet beslagla alt datautstyr til Arve Kirkevik fra Osterøy. Dette sto på trykk i Bygdanytt den 27. august d.å. Grunnen til det var at han hadde lagt ut på internett pasientjournalen til Arnold Juklerød. Sammen med mange andre fulgte Kirkevik Arnold Juklerøds kamp fra Gaustad sinnssykehus mot det trehodede trollet: Psykiatri, rettsvesen og politi.

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  • Synnøve Fjellbakk Taftøe

    Synnøve arbeidet i Utenriksdepartementet under Gro-Harlem Brundtlands Arbeiderpartiregjering, og ble avskjediget i unåde i 1992. Det var Regjeringen Gro Harlem Brundtland som stod for avskjeden. Avskjeden kom som en konsekvens av hennes avsløringer på metoder som ikke tålte “dagens lys” i saksbehandlingen som Regjeringen og UD er forpliktet å følge i h.h.t. forvaltningsloven. Hun fant

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  • Arnold Juklerød

    Arnold Juklerød kjempet mot skolenedleggelse i sin hjembygd, og etter å bli tvangsinnlagt for sin motstand ble han også ekstremt anti-psykiatri – naturlig nok. For dette ble han overgrepet på det groveste av makthaverne. De statsbetalte vitnene mot ham; Psykiaterne, sa om den landskjente anti-psykiatrikjempen Arnold Juklerød at han hadde “ukorrigerbare vrangforestillinger om myndighetene p.g.a.

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  • Dag Hammarskjold

    “Dag Hammarskjold had now come into the same position as Folke Bernadotte seven years earlier. Israel did not want peace, it wanted war to gain more land, and the U.N. Secretary General stood in its way. When pressure from England and the United States was put on Israel, Ben Gurion responded that no land was

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  • Raul Wallenberg

    “Raul Wallenberg had done nothing against the Soviet Union. His “crime” was that he knew too much. While rescuing Jewish people in Hungary during the last year the Germans controlled that nation, he found out that the Nazis and the Zionists had worked hand in hand to uproot Jews from Europe and resettle them in

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  • Folke Bernadotte

    Count Folke Bernadotte, the United Nation’s Mediator on Palestine, who was brutally murdered by a Zionist terror gang near Jerusalem in 1948. The assassination of Bernadotte, ‘at the hands of the Israeli terrorist organization’ began a lethal Swedish connection with Palestine,’ Ashrawi wrote. ‘Palestine lost its first Swedish champion,’ Ashrawi wrote, when Bernadotte ‘was brutally

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  • Ivar Kreuger

    The Murder of Swedish Match Mogul Ivar Kreuger and the Effects on WW1 & WW2. Just briefly I had to come back to draw attention to the murder of Ivar Kreuger and the effect of that murder on following events in European history. Researchers claim Kreuger’s massive loans to the countries that later became the

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