Monday, 31/3/2025 | 10:47 UTC+2


  • Ursula Haverbeck

    Ursula Haverbeck denied Auschwitz was a death camp and said the holocaust was “the biggest lie in history.” Only 500,000 Jews, not six million died in Nazi camps, and these mostly from disease.

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  • Richard Williamson

    Germany is considering issuing an arrest warrant for Bishop Richard Williamson over his controversial claim that no Jews died in the gas chambers during the Second World War. The 69-year-old British-born bishop made the comments during an interview with Swedish television last year at a seminary for the ultra-orthodox Society of Saint Pius X in

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  • David Duke

    Dr. David Duke arrested when he was about to give a speeech at the Charles University, Czech Republic; As everyone in the Czech Republic is now aware, I was ultimately prevented from giving this lecture. Perhaps even more important to the rights of the Czech people, the faculty and students were denied their right to hear

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  • Horst Mahler

    Horst Mahler is currently serving a 12-years sentence for ‘Volksverhetzung’ (‘inciting popular hatred’) and Holocaust denial. On February 21, 2009, Mahler was sentenced by a Munich court to six years’ imprisonment without possibility of reduction or bail. During the reading of the verdict, the judge said that Mahler had proven “not able to be

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  • Vincent Reynouard

    A 38 year old French chemical engineer was sentenced this week to one year in prison and fined 10.000 euros ( 14.600 dollars ) for denying the holocaust. Vincent REYNOUARD was convicted by a criminal court in Savernes (eastern France) for writing a 16-page pamphlet in 2005 entitled ” HOLOCAUST ? THE HIDDEN FACT “.

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  • Manfred Roeder

    An outspoken German Nationalist was sentenced Thursday to two years in prison without parole for “denying” the Holocaust. Manfred Roeder, 70, was sentenced for having refered to the Holocaust as “humbug” during an August 1998 election rally in the eastern German city of Stralsund. With no First Amendment to protect them, Germans face legal action

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