Thursday, 9/1/2025 | 2:29 UTC+2


  • Synnøve Fjellbakk Taftøe

    Synnøve arbeidet i Utenriksdepartementet under Gro-Harlem Brundtlands Arbeiderpartiregjering, og ble avskjediget i unåde i 1992. Det var Regjeringen Gro Harlem Brundtland som stod for avskjeden. Avskjeden kom som en konsekvens av hennes avsløringer på metoder som ikke tålte “dagens lys” i saksbehandlingen som Regjeringen og UD er forpliktet å følge i h.h.t. forvaltningsloven. Hun fant

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  • Raul Wallenberg

    “Raul Wallenberg had done nothing against the Soviet Union. His “crime” was that he knew too much. While rescuing Jewish people in Hungary during the last year the Germans controlled that nation, he found out that the Nazis and the Zionists had worked hand in hand to uproot Jews from Europe and resettle them in

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  • Joe Vialls

    Joe Vialls is the man who exposed the common use of MicroNUKES by the establishment along with many other very detailed reports. *KILLED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT* Anybody knows more what happened to Joe? ——————- For his extensive work, for his investigation skills, and his brilliant writings, all dcumented on his website. Especially for his work

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  • Rik Clay

    R.I.P. Rik Clay (26 y.o.)  – Murdered for telling what he found out ? The Cosmic Mind: Zion 2012 Olympics – June 8, 2008 RedIceCreations: Researcher Rik Clay who is behind the blog “The Cosmic Mind” joins us to discuss his findings about the Zion Olympics in London leading up to the end game year

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  • Jordan Maxwell

    Researcher Jordan Maxwell discussed how his exposé of the Illuminati and its occult roots has brought fear and threats into his life. He reported that his phone line is tapped by the NSA/CIA and they occasionally break into his calls and talk about him. He had been warned off, he had been threatened, he had

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  • Deborah Jeane Palfrey

    DC Madam, as she was called, was running a ‘escorte’ service in Washington DC, involving the White House and high ranking officials including Cheney.

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  • Paul Sanford

    Paul Sanford, 1956-2006, advocate for free speech and for the homeless. Dec. 27–In what police describe as a “probable” suicide leap, a prominent Monterey Bay Area attorney fell at least nine floors to his death at the Embassy Suites Hotel Monterey Bay in Seaside the morning before Christmas. Shortly before 9:30 a.m. Sunday, officers found

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  • Leo Zagami

    WHISTLEBLOWER FROM THE ILLUMINATI THAT TRIED TO FIGHT SATANISM IN NORWAY WAS ARRESTED BY THE POLICE AND LOCKED DOWN AT A MENTAL INSTITUTION Two members of the police from Stovner Policestation (Oslo) and two members of ‘Child Protection Agency’ in Norway came to Zagami’s house a sunday evening, forced themselves into his home and threatened

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  • Clare Swinney

    Journalist Clare Swinney Held In A Psychiatric Ward & Called ‘Delusional’ For Saying 9/11 Was An Inside Job. Clare Swinney brought a complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Authority pointing out that TVNZ’s claim that Osama bin Laden carried out the attacks of 9/11 was an outright lie. Shortly afterwards, she was threatened and then incarcerated in

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  • John Badwey

    John Badwey, a biochemist at Harvard Medical School who specialized in infectious diseases, died on July 21, 2004, aged 54. He had suddenly developed unusual pneumonia-like symptoms, and then died within two weeks. He had been opposing a program to dispose of sewage in which there was a serious risk of exposing humans to sludge.

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