Thursday, 9/1/2025 | 2:22 UTC+2


  • Margie Schoedinger

    The late Bush associate Margie Schoedinger’s sudden death after she filed a 50 million dollar lawsuit against George W. Bush ruled as a suicide? A single gunshot to the head.

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  • John Todd

    John Todd, former occultist and Illuminati member explains the truth about how the elite of this world, namely the Illuminati and the Occult have infiltrated our world today, including the Christian realm. A must listen for any Christian and non Christian who are interested in a behind the scenes look and examinations of intentions of

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  • Steve Jackson

    In 1990, role-playing inventor, Steve Jackson, was planning his newest game, which he would ultimately call the “Illuminati — New World Order” Game, or “INWO” for short. Jackson was creating a game that would hit very, very close to home, very close to the actual plan of the Illuminati to propel the world into the

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  • Rolf Presthus

    “Det fremkommer på s. 655 [av boken Olav Njølstad. Jens Chr. Hauge. – Fullt og helt (2008)] at [Jens Christian] Hauge fikk et konfliktfylt forhold til høyremannen Rolf Presthus, på basis av et avisinnlegg Høyres Rolf Presthus hadde publisert i Dagbladet 13. desember 1978, om Presthus manglende tillit til Volvoavtalen på grunn de personene som

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  • Frank Olson

    Frank Olson was an American citizen, born in 1910 and murdered in New York City in 1953 by the CIA. Here’s an outline of the case: Fort Detrick is the U.S. Army’s biowarfare facility, founded in 1943. Frank Olson was one of the first scientists to work there. From the final years of World War

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  • George S. Patton

    “One of the Americans who observed the strange behavior of the American government was General George S. Patton. He had seen enough to cause him to want to resign from the military so that he could “say what I want to” about America’s “soft on Communism” stance during the war. Patton knew enough about the

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  • Ezra Pound

    Ezra Pound was confined at the St. Elisabeths Mental Hospital as a political prisoner for questioning America’s war motives in Radio Rome broadcasts. A leading poet and critic, Pound introduced the world to James Joyce, W.B. Yaetes and T.S. Eliot. Pound commissioned Mullins to examine the power of the US baking establishment. Pound made anti-American

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  • Robert Wilton

    ‘Last Days of the Romanovs’, av Robert Wilton Robert Wilton, was serving as Russian correspondent for the British newspaper The Times from 1902 to 1919. Book about the murder of the Romanovs banned in Finland. – Robert Wilton was just another who died of cancer at relatively young age (57), compared with:

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