9. April, 2009An Athenian jury ordered that Socrates (469–399 B.C.E.), the Western world’s first recorded martyr, die by poison (the hemlock cup) when he refused to give up his dangerously public insistence that all men and women possessed souls, which knew the difference between good and evil, and were obliged to question historic and religious authority so
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Yaakov Yisrael Dehan
9. April, 2009THE FIRST MARTYR TO ZIONISM WAS AN ORTHODOX JEW. Yaakov Yisrael Dehan – July 1, 1924. (From the newsletter of Neturei Karta in Jerusalem – Hachoma, Tammuz-July 5762/2002) The young martyr, Dr. Yaakov Yisrael Dehan was murdered on July 1, 1924. He was a man who devoted all his energies and the best years of
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Robert Edmondson
9. April, 2009Robert Edmondson “Testified Against the Jews” November 2, 2008 By Henry Makow Ph.D. Our Zionist mind controllers have succeeded in eliminating almost all record of Robert Edmondson. Until today, there was no reference to him (or photo) on the Internet. Yet he was thrown into jail in 1936 and again in 1942 for producing hundreds
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Slobodan Milosevic
8. April, 2009This report from Slobodan Milosevic “trial” and assassination is in its entirety taken from Chapter 36 of Robin deRuiters book: “Worldwide Evil and Misery. The Legacy of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines“. Can be purchased here. Greatly recommended. “The small Serbia has shown that resistance is possible. This resistance was initially organized on a broad scale
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Aaron Russo
16. March, 2009There is a group in the world where everybody saying against them is either imprisoned, killed or die in early age from ‘sickness’; cancer and stroke is the most popular. This sicknesses can be indused by chemicals or eletronic weapons. Aaron Russo, a Sephardic Jewish, died August 24, 2007, by cancer, only 60 years old.
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Bjørn Afzelius
13. March, 2009There is a group in the world where everybody saying against them is either imprisoned, killed or die in early age from ‘sickness’; cancer and stroke is the most popular. This sicknesses can be indused by chemicals or eletronic weapons. They have the only religion you are not allowed by law to critizise; The Holocaust
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Horst Mahler
21. February, 2009Horst Mahler is currently serving a 12-years sentence for ‘Volksverhetzung’ (‘inciting popular hatred’) and Holocaust denial. http://henrymakow.com/2015/06/nazi-granny-faces-jail.html On February 21, 2009, Mahler was sentenced by a Munich court to six years’ imprisonment without possibility of reduction or bail. During the reading of the verdict, the judge said that Mahler had proven “not able to be
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Kåre Willoch
17. February, 2009The former Norwegian Prime Minister, Kåre Willoch, was told he is a anti-semit and shows hate towards jews, by jewish Mona Levin from Aftenposten in Norway in january 2009. On question on how he looked at the prospects for the middle east with the new american presidency under Obama, he answered: “It is not looking
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Paul Wellstone
17. February, 2009Wellstone was born in Washington D.C. to Ukrainian-Jewish immigrants, Leon and Minnie Wellstone, and raised in Arlington, Virginia. Originally, his family name was Wexelstein, but his father changed the name to Wellstone in the 1930s when he encountered virulent anti-semitism. Wellstone was known for his work for peace, the environment, labor, and health care; he
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Kenny Johannemann
16. February, 2009Johannemann’s account of 9-11 included basement explosions, which are viewed by some 9/11 researchers, like talk radio host Alex Jones, as support for the 9-11 Truth Movement. Many researchers into 9/11 view Johannemann’s suicide with suspicion. It is alleged that he fell into depression and alcoholism, and was facing eviction from his New York City
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