Wednesday, 5/3/2025 | 1:26 UTC+2

George F. Wittkopp

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Thought Crime: Government panel suspends doctor’s right to practice medicine’ because he talked about the ‘new world order’

A state government panel in Oregon has barred a psychiatrist from practicing medicine because he talked to his patients about the “new world order,” saying such discussions could cause “emotional duress.”

George F. Wittkopp, M.D., 60, signed a disciplinary order by the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners on Feb. 3, agreeing to stop practicing medicine due to “unprofessional conduct and repeated acts of negligence,” according to a report in the Portland Oregonian.

“This is all about religion and politics,” Wittkopp told the paper. “It’s not about competence.”

The controversy began in 2002, when Wittkopp, in an interview with the board’s investigative committee, defended his use of “reality testing” on patients. The report states that to help some patients, Wittkopp gave them information on the “new world order,” which he considers an international effort “to establish world government and a world economic system and a world religion.”

In October, the regulatory panel placed Wittkopp on probation and suspended him from practicing. The board said it would stay the suspension if he paid $5,000 and completed a monitored, mandatory program.

Wittkopp refused, leading to his signing the order this month.

According to the Oregonian report, a review of the medical charts of six patients by the board showed a pattern of inappropriate prescribing of medicines. In addition, the board said, he sometimes used treatments without adequate explanation or medical rationale.

In 2003, the board decided Wittkopp’s practice of talking to patients about the “new world order” reflected “poor medical judgment that could be destabilizing and cause patients to suffer mental and emotional duress.”

“They say I talk about things they don’t like me to talk about,” Wittkopp told the Portland paper.

Under the disciplinary order, Wittkopp cannot resume his medical practice until he complies with the demands of the board.


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