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Joe Vialls

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Joe Vialls is the man who exposed the common use of MicroNUKES by the establishment along with many other very detailed reports. *KILLED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT*

Anybody knows more what happened to Joe?


For his extensive work, for his investigation skills, and his brilliant writings, all dcumented on his website. Especially for his work to expose the New World Order and to unmask the true motives of pharmaceutical  industry, he is hereby appointed one of the major dissidents of our time.

Vialls Investigations
Exposing Media Disinformation

Unfortunately Joe Vialls suddenly and unexpectedly passed away July 18, 2005.

He was a man who believed in humanity, in truth and justice, Joe believed that the few who wished harm and dispair to mankind should be exposed to the world. In his memory, we dedicate this site;

Joe was an independent writer with little or no funding and all research conducted by him was done at his own cost

Ridiculed by politicians and governments around the world, he was standing tall and firm in his opinions. History will tell that he was right, and they was wrong, willfully or uknowingly.

Joes famous words “People, People, People, look at the evidence the truth is there you just have to look for it!!!!!” will live forever in our hearts.


Note on Joe Vialls
July 14, 2005

To the many readers who have noted his absence in recent weeks, we are happy to report that Joe Vialls is still in the land of the living. However, in an email from him today Joe reports that he has been taken suddenly ill with total adrenal exhaustion.

In recent years Joe has become something of an authority on official malfeasance, writing on everything from the Beslan school massacre, the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman and the recent Asian Tsunami.

Coming shortly before the recent bombings in London, we cannot help but feel more than a little suspicious that the one man, who could have shed further light on the mystery surrounding these events, should be so suddenly incapacitated.

See our archive of articles by Joe Vialls:

Footnote – July 18, 2005

It is with profound regret this website has received word that Joe Vialls, one of the great figures of Internet journalism, has passed away. Truly insightful, outspoken and informed, his death is a great loss to independent journalism. Readers are advised to save Joe’s work, as in the months and weeks ahead we suspect that the ‘Powers that be’ will attempt to remove his work from the Internet.

Truthseeker Note on Joe Vialls


July 18, 2005 – Mike Macaulay

It is with great sadness that I pass on to you the information that my friend Joe Vialls passed away suddenly and unexpectedly last night in Perth Western Australia after a period of illness.

His wife Marilyn rang me early this morning to tell me the sad news. I was very surprised as I talked to him only a few days ago and he said he felt a little better.

As we all know Joe made a large contribution to Internet Journalism, in an effort to reveal the truth that the media fails to print.

The irony is that about 5 years ago I suggested to Joe that he get onto the net. He replied ‘ what on earth would I do on the Internet’? The rest is history, he got on the net and found his place there.

Farewell Joe – at this very moment he’s probably checking behind Gods throne to see if the Mossad are there!

We who knew him will miss him greatly.

Mike Macaulay.
Perth Western Australia.


and so will we, – his readers…………


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