Tuesday, 11/2/2025 | 1:39 UTC+2

Barry Chamish

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For his outstanding efforts to investigate and document the murder of Yitzhak Rabin, among many other things as;

For four years now the world has slept while William Colby decided to abandon his hot dinner and take a final canoe ride, while Vince Foster chose to crawl on his back so his suit would fill up with carpet fibers and then shoot himself in a park, while Sonny Bono hit a tree and his body lay unnoticed on a busy ski trail for three hours, while the only FBI agents to die in Waco were four former Clinton bodyguards, while Ron Brown felt it would be a swell idea to shoot himself in the head then land in Bosnia for dramatic effect, while a surviving stewardess and air traffic controller decided to follow him to the great beyond a few hours later, while French police just couldn’t locate that sneaky Fiat Uno which waited for Diana’s car in the tunnel, while a Clinton intern died in a Starbucks holdup where no money was taken, while the President felt impelled to rush back from a holiday to Washington on the night his pretty adviser to the deaf met her demise, and on and and on. Clearly, it is a rather fatal idea to get to know the President from too close up.

There is murder in the air in Israel. Former Interior Minister Arieh Deri suffered a loss a while back, when after his wife’s adoptive mother refused to sign an affadavit testifying that she gave him all the money he was accused of stealing from the Israeli Treasury, she was run over by an employee of one of his cronies. Rabin’s Deputy Defence Minister Motta Gur committed suicide because of his cancer. Only his doctor told reporters his cancer was cured. Two of Rabin’s bodyguards also committed suicide. One of them Yoav Kuriel, did so by shooting himself in the chest seven times. A very persistent suicide.

So now what do we do about the information coming out on the explosion of JFK Jr.’s plane? The day it happened I wrote that JFK Jr. was doing more than any other American media figure to get to the bottom of the Rabin assassination truth. I reminded readers that his magazine George ran a 13 page expose of the Shabak’s involvement in the assassination. I suggested that this was a brave but risky stand.

Then came the tidal wave of data. The FBI Preliminary Report confirming the bomb on the plane and noting the type of explosive was used by certain foreign intelligence services. This was followed by Catherine Crier of Fox TV’s The Crier Report, announcing that JFK Jr. was about to meet high ranking Mossad officers to get the full story on the Rabin assassination. Then Maariv ran an interview with JFK’s chaufeur, who happens to be Israeli. Then people started noting that Barak was in Washington at the time of Kennedy’s finale in life.

All of this is covered by Barry Chamish, and still alive, for this he is hereby announced as one of the major dissidents of our times.

read more about his works at:


As for me, here I am writing this in good health. I merely have to suffer harassment. I was interviewed by three American radio programs today. My line was cut off in the middle of all three. If anyone tells me it was all a coincidence, I’ll walk away. I’ve had it hearing that statistical impossibility is explainable by coincidence.

For five years my family and I lived in relative tranquility in a place called Bet Shemesh. Then a pervert built a house behind us where there shouldn’t have been a house. Every morning at the crack of dawn he would wake us all with the barking of his dogs. No appeal to him would stop the noise. Then he devoted his life to isolating us from our neighbors. Then we were victimized by vandalism, theft, threats and soon police complaints. We are certain he was planted to harass us and the tension did its job on my family in ways that could have broken us up at any time.

So we moved and it turns out our new neighbors are listening at our windows, photographing us, spreading rumors etc. etc. And we just don’t know why. I’m no saint, and am a product of America circa late Sixties. The neighbors appear to be snooping to find a moment when they can publicly humilate me and my family. My wife is at a loss to explain why we have been putting up with exactly the same neighborly mischief for four straight years.

And I’m not even mentioning the opened and lost mail, the passport that couldn’t be issued, the men with cellular phones standing in the street outside our home at 3 AM, friends who keep their distance because of perceived danger, the sudden difficulty in knowing who to trust…And worst of all, the feeling that the stakes could be raised at any time.

Because I have established a reputation, as Haaretz wrote on its front page recently, as “the leading researcher of the Rabin assassination conspiracy theory,” people, at great risk to themselves put powerful documentation in my hands. In the past two weeks I have received the army records of Rabin’s bodyguard Yoram Rubin, his driver on the night of the murder, Menachem Damti and of the State Pathologist who lied about Rabin’s wounds, Dr. Yehuda Hiss. And I received a copy of Dr. Hiss’s banned report, with all its lies and accidental, shocking truth intact within. When added to my hundreds of pages of police reports, hospital records, court protocols, private testimonies, I have built an airtight case that the convicted assassin did not do the deed.

Barry Chamish


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