Sunday, 23/2/2025 | 9:25 UTC+2

Martin Armstrong

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Martin Armstrong (born 1950) is the former chairman of Princeton Economics International Ltd. Indicted in 1999 on charges of bilking Japanese investors, he spent seven years jailed for contempt of court before finally pleading guilty in 2007, and he is now serving a five-year sentence for conspiracy to commit fraud.[1]

Martin’s eye is badly infected and his legs are numb and he doubts he will be able to walk soon, he thinks he may not survive until his prison release in March 2011. The prison is refusing to help him. His own doctor outside of prison thinks he may need surgery for his eye as it is deeply infected. Martin thinks he may have got this from the showers or even that his food was deliberately poisoned. To help save Marty’s life please write to Judge John F. Keenan ” December 7, 2010 As detailed on Kris’s site –

It is very important for Big Government to free Global Sachs and JP Morgan for any scrutiny.

Martin was just about to start managing the equivalent of at least 2 Trillion US Dollars for the Japanese before all this happened!

Take your pick as to the reason Martin has been in prison for 1 decade now:

A) The NY Club of Investment Bankers got Armstrong for not playing ball with them by letting them have access to his computer model’s research and being a major threat to their profits as he was about to start managing 2 trillion dollars for the Japanese with the aid of his AI 32,000 variables super computer pi model. Martin has written from prison that Alan Cohen the court appointed reciever of Princeton Economics International stole research materials from Martin’s desk at PEI’s headquarters, Alan Cohen is also Executive Vice President, Global Head – Compliance for Goldman Sachs the key company involved in the US housing derivatives melt-down of 2008, after US regulators let the investment bankers start speculating on citizens homes. Goldman Sachs is the company that has a revolving door for its directors and the US Treasury and Justice Departments. There is a conflict of interest here big enough to drive a truck through.

“Martin is losing eye, legs are numb, may not survive until his release from Prison”

“It took nearly 30 years for my dad to develop this model and his refusing to turn over its source code to the government is a big reason why he has been held in jail for over 7 years without a trial. His model was his life’s work and his passion that ultimately landed him in jail. Although it’s great to hear people that have benefited from his insight, after seeing what has happened to him I wish he kept it to himself.”

Armstrongs daughter

Armstrong discovered that every market is manipulated by Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. He started speak open about it.

Wikipedia presneterer “saken”

“In 1999, Japanese fraud investigators determined that Armstrong had been collecting money from Japanese investors, improperly “commingling” these funds with funds from other investors, and using the fresh money to cover losses he had incurred while trading.[4]”

“Assisting Armstrong in his scheme was the Republic New York Bank which produced false account statements to reassure Armstrong’s investors, and which in 2001 agreed to pay $606 million as restitution for its part in the scandal.[5]”

“Armstrong was indicted in 1999, and was ordered by Judge Richard Owen to turn over a number of gold bars, computers, and antiquities that had been bought with the fund’s money; the list included bronze helmets and a bust of Julius Caesar.[7] Armstrong produced some of the items, but claimed the others were not in his possession; this led to several contempt of court charges.[8] ”

Armstrong was charged to manipulate the “silver market”.  Corrupt judge.

“Armstrong was jailed for seven years for contempt of court, ”

“….and only went to trial when the NY Court of Appeals removed Judge Owen from his case; in 2007 after spending several days in solitary confinement.[1] ”

After 7 years with apeals Armstrong understodd if he should ever finish this he needed to get a limit on the sentence. He agreed “guilty on charge” in a deal.

“Left with limited options he was forced to plead guilty and was sentenced to five more years in prison. Despite the unjust conditions of his case, ”

“Armstrong continues to write essays and has commented on the current economic conditions facing the United States and the world in 2007-09″


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