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Wayne Owens

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Wayne owens, U.S. Congressman, murdered by “serial killer” Shimon Peres

December 21, 2002
Here is why Rep. Wayne Owens was murdered in Tel Aviv. He is another victim of Shimon Peres’ decades old murderama. Let us begin with some background from the Washington Post before we sort out the murder:

Friday, December 20, 2002; Page B07

“Wayne Owens, 65, a Utah Democrat who had represented Salt Lake City in the House of Representatives for eight years and who was a founder of Washington’s Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation, was found dead Dec. 18 on a beach in Tel Aviv. A State Department spokesman said that the cause of death was unknown but that there were no signs of foul play.

His death came at the end of a congressional delegation visit with leaders of Syria, Egypt, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Israel and representatives of the Palestinian Authority. On the House’s Foreign Affairs and Permanent Select Intelligence committees, Rep. Owens was an advocate of improved Middle East relations. Since leaving Congress in 1993, he had served as president of the Middle East Peace Center.

He co-founded the center with Slim Fast Foods Chairman S. Daniel Abraham in 1989 and worked with Middle East leaders to promote peace through economic development. He was present at the September 1993 White House peace summit at which then-Israeli President Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat shook hands. His interest in international relations sprung chiefly from his work on the Foreign Affairs Committee. In 1989, he held a controversial meeting in Tunisia with Arafat, during which he raised congressional concern about Palestinian-sponsored terrorism. Still, the visit raised the ire of some Israeli activists.”

Now let’s introduce the characters:

Yossi Ginosar – Deputy head of the General Security Services until 1987 when he was forced to retire after two serious perjury scandals. Nonetheless, he was appointed special emissary to the PLO by Prime Ministers Rabin, Peres, and Barak. In early December 2002, the newspaper Maariv exposed Ginosar’s embezzlement scam with Arafat and Arafat’s paymaster Muhamed Rashid. The scandal was destined to lead to the kickbacks and payoffs that reached the pockets of Peres, Barak and Pres. Bill Clinton, but it has been effectively covered up by the Israeli media. Member of the board of the Shimon Peres Center For Peace.

Hani Masri – Partner of Owens and Daniel Abraham. With the help of Clinton and Owens, he swindled the American people of $60 million, supposedly aimed at increasing economic activities in the PA, but which has subsequently disappeared. “From OPIC.GOV West Bank / Gaza & Jordan Fund Capital Investment Management Corporation Canceled West Bank/Gaza and Jordan at least 60% in West Bank/Gaza 60 Equity investments in basic service and manufacturing companies. Contact Information for West Bank / Gaza & Jordan Fund Organization Title Name Address Telephone Fax International Capital Advisors Scott Stupay 6862 Elm Street, Suite 720 McLean, VA 22101 703-847-0870 703-847-3068” Here is a transcript of the founding of the fund: Needless to say, Masri sits on the board of the Peres Center For Peace.

Daniel Abraham – Leading donor to the Peres Peace Center. Most prolific moneyman behind the Oslo “peace” process. Member of the board of the Peres Center For Peace.

Stephen P. Cohen – American professor, leading American Jewish advocate of Oslo process. A steady contributor to the editorial pages of such august journals as the New York Times. Was exposed by Maariv two weeks before Owens’ murder as a partner in the Ginosar/Arafat embezzlement scandals. Ginosar’s partner Ozrad Lev, who spilled the beans to Maariv, claimed Cohen had large stakes in phoney companies founded to launder the $350 million Arafat stole from his people, which Ginosar and Lev deposited for him in a Swiss bank. He is now under investigation by Israel Police for his part in the Ginosar scandal. Go to Owens own website and look at his “Business Development Organization” file. What do you know, Owens’ business organization was set up by Stephen P. Cohen and Daniel Abraham! Member of the board of the Peres Center For Peace.

Here is what Peres has to say about Cohen and Abraham on Owns’ site:

“In all likelihood, much of what Dan Abraham and Wayne Owens have done, working through the Center, to help Israel normalize relations with her neighbors will never be fully appreciated. I began counseling with them regularly ten years ago and we have become close friends as a result. Then, as now, they constantly asked questions, tested ideas, and carefully passed along messages between the region’s leaders. Now the Center must expand in order to undertake new projects that could lead to significant diplomatic and economic benefits to the Middle East. The potential here is enormous.” – Shimon Peres

Now for more damning information from the website. The comments in brackets are not mine, but those of my brilliant correspondent David Miller:

“The Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation was established in 1989 by Slim Fast Foods Chairman S. Daniel Abraham and Utah Congressman Wayne Owens. A World War II combat veteran, Mr. Abraham had experienced the horrors of war and committed himself to the prevention of future conflicts. When he met Congressman Owens, who served on the House Foreign Affairs and Select Intelligence Committees, the two men recognized that they shared a determination to achieve a peaceful resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

“In 1990, they recruited Dr. Stephen Cohen to join the Center and bring his experience in unofficial diplomacy and conflict resolution to the organization. Ms. Sara Ehrman, long time peace activist and former Senior Political Advisor at the Democratic National Committee, became Senior Advisor at the Center in early 1997.

“Since its founding, the Center’s officers have traveled extensively and regularly throughout the Middle East. We have also sponsored numerous fact finding missions to the region for Members of Congress, government officials, and private citizens to meet with Middle East leaders. Visiting Israel and more than 20 Arab countries, the Center has enabled American decision makers to witness first hand the challenges facing leaders who seek peace in the region.

“During these visits, the Center was able to open unprecedented [read, “illegal”] channels of communication as it formed close relationships [read “payoffs”] with the leadership of all parties involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Through the discussions with Middle Eastern leaders, it became apparent that there is a role for the private sector to play in promoting and protecting the Middle East peace process. [Raking in millions of dollars in business deals]

“Each year, the Center sponsors a Consultation on the New Middle East. The Consultations bring groups of business leaders and policy makers together for private, off the record meetings [so no one will know about the illegal business dealings and payoffs] which seek to create an environment that encourages the prospects for peace in the Middle East. The Center also conducts an annual Retrospective on the Peace Process-a public forum where leading policy makers from the Middle East and United States exchange fresh ideas on the peace process.

“Over the past eight years, the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation has sponsored numerous activities aimed at bringing policy makers and influential leaders in the private sector together to foster the atmosphere necessary for the promotion and protection of Middle East peace [by bribing them and then holding them hostage to blackmail in the future].

“As a result of these efforts, the Center has become an address for leaders seeking a dialogue among government officials and the private sector.”

Now here is how Owens most likely died:

Barely a fortnight before, Rep. Owens learned the Ginosar scandal broke in Israel. He was either terrified or furious. It’s a tossup. If he was terrified, it was because it wouldn’t be long before his direct ties to Stephen Cohen would implicate him deeply in the scandals. If he was furious, it was because he finally learned how badly he had been scammed by Peres, Abraham, Masri and Cohen. Either way, he threatened to blow the whistle on the Peres Peace Center. He was poisoned at dinner and dead on a beach by 9 PM. Rep. Owens is now another notch on Peres’ gunbelt.


Originally published December 21, 2002

Each and every Israeli Knesset member knows that the real killers of Wayne Owens and Yitzhak Rabin are free!
Individuals must make the effort to email, fax, call or personally visit these Knesset members and demand justice for the killers of Wayne Owens, Yitzhak Rabin and so many others.
“Our hands hath not shed the blood…”


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