Wednesday, 12/3/2025 | 4:23 UTC+2


  • John Patterson

    John Patterson ? “It disrupts the bioelectric system of your body, which is really your brain, your nervous system, and more” ? John tested Telstra digital systems for 25+ years. Over the time he realized the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. When he got moved to a new facility in between two towers, he got all

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  • Ashley Mote

    Ashley Mote was an harsh critic of EU Fraud & Corruption, as well as seeking to disclose the Global Security Fund, set up in the early 1990s under the auspices of Jacob Rothschild. “Mr President, I wish to draw your attention to the Global Security Fund, set up in the early 1990s under the auspices

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  • Michael Collins Piper

    Michael Collins Piper, aged 55, died in a hotel room. 2nd of June 2015. Collins led the war against AIPAC and the ADL and the Kosher mafia when others now considered “experts’ knew nothing at all. News quickly spread about his “heart condition” and how he died of natural causes. Then again, Abe Foxman is

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  • Phillip Marshall

    In February 2012, Philip Marshall, a veteran airline pilot, published The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror, which documents the role of Saudi Arabia in running the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and of the Bush Presidency in facilitating it by standing down. One year later,

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  • David Chase Taylor

    America’s Most Wanted: The Case Of David Chase Taylor Published 4 days prior on January 28, 2011, David Chase Taylor’s free ebook, entitled The Nuclear Bible, specifically named Super Bowl XLV on February 6, 2011, in Dallas, Texas, as the target, date and location of the impending nuclear terror attack. The Nuclear Bible, which took

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  • Eustace Mullins

    In November 1949, Eustace Mullins, 25, was a researcher in Washington DC when friends invited him to visit the famous American poet Ezra Pound, who was confined at St. Elizabeth’s Mental Hospital and listed as a “political prisoner.” “No one who has been martyred by the Jews should remain unknown. And no one who has

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  • Steven E. Jones

    Christopher Bollyn: 9/11 researcher Professor Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University was slandered on the local NPR affiliate as an “anti-Semite” and removed from his teaching position at that prestigious Mormon school in Provo, Utah. Jones and I had collaborated in the spring of 2006 on his research into the molten metal seen at

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  • John Wilson

    For over a decade Dr. John Wilson has taken court action seeking to have judges, government and banks obey the law. As his Website explains: “The banks have corrupted parliaments and courts in order to achieve their seemingly invincible position. Through the parliaments, banks have set in place legislation which forms the blue print and

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  • Michael Jackson

    Dissidents die young. Argument # 1: Dont sing or speak about love and peace and brotherhood in the world. That can get you killed. Michael Jackson died today the 26.06.2009, at age 50. The worlds leading conscience has left the scene. In the intervue by Oprah Winfrey he said he in now way thought that

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Dissident Net

A transparancy and non-corruption of justice or people activity by


March 2025