Wednesday, 16/10/2024 | 8:17 UTC+2


  • John Heinz

    Larry McDonald shot down. John Heinz killed in an airplane crash. John Tower also died in an airplane crash. Three members of the committee investigating One World Order, now called Globalism to achieve One World Government.

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  • Paul Sanford

    Paul Sanford, 1956-2006, advocate for free speech and for the homeless. Dec. 27–In what police describe as a “probable” suicide leap, a prominent Monterey Bay Area attorney fell at least nine floors to his death at the Embassy Suites Hotel Monterey Bay in Seaside the morning before Christmas. Shortly before 9:30 a.m. Sunday, officers found

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  • Margie Schoedinger

    The late Bush associate Margie Schoedinger’s sudden death after she filed a 50 million dollar lawsuit against George W. Bush ruled as a suicide? A single gunshot to the head.

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  • John Todd

    John Todd, former occultist and Illuminati member explains the truth about how the elite of this world, namely the Illuminati and the Occult have infiltrated our world today, including the Christian realm. A must listen for any Christian and non Christian who are interested in a behind the scenes look and examinations of intentions of

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  • Tom Soobzokov

    The most notorious of these murders was the assassination of an American civil servant named Tom Soobzokov in Paterson N.J. in August of 1985.  Because Soobzokov had recently won a huge award in his $50 million lawsuit against New York Times Books and a Zionist propagandist named Howard Blum, he had been marked for death

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  • Jan Masaryk

    On 10 March 1948, Foreign Minister Jan Masaryk – the son of Thomas G. Masaryk, founder of the Czechoslovak state in late 1918 – was found dead under his lst floor apartment window. A letter from Jan Masaryk to Stalin, dated 9 March 1948, was found in the archives of the former Czechoslovak party’s Central

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  • George S. Patton

    “One of the Americans who observed the strange behavior of the American government was General George S. Patton. He had seen enough to cause him to want to resign from the military so that he could “say what I want to” about America’s “soft on Communism” stance during the war. Patton knew enough about the

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