Wednesday, 23/10/2024 | 5:50 UTC+2


  • Wilhelm Reich

    In 1940, Dr. Reich, an Austrian immigrant, made the scientific discovery of a previously unknown energy existing in the atmosphere, in space, and within all living organisms. He called it orgone, which is synonymous with ‘life energy.’ He observed that the orgone energy charge in the human biosystem was expressed in emotion, sexuality, and could

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  • Ryke Geerd Hamer

    Dr. Hamer’s ‘German New Medicine’ (GNM), operates under the premise that every disease, including cancer, originates from an unexpected shock experience, and that all disease can be cured by resolving these underlying emotional traumas. Dr. Hamer has spent time in prison for refusing to disavow his medical findings and stop treating his patients with his

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  • Stanislaw Burzynski

    Dr. Burzynski, founder of the Houston-based Burzynski Institute, treats cancer patients with substances called antineoplastons. He was indicted by a grand jury in 1995 for his use of antineoplastons– his second trial that year. He was acquitted.

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  • Raymond Rife

    Rife created a machine that uses resonance to kill viruses and cancer cells.

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  • Gaston Naessens

    Dr. Naessens created a cancer treatment based on the theory that cancer is caused by a friendly microorganism called somatids “little bodies”) — which are present in all cells — that becomes unfriendly. His formula, 714X, provides nitrogen to the cancer cells, thus causing this microorganism to cease excreting their toxic compounds, and mobilize your

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  • Don Tunney

    Don Tunney (1942-2009) – In Memoriam (from On January 19th, 2009, the Rife community lost a beloved friend: Donald L. Tunney, researcher and frequency device manufacturer of Resonant Light Technology (famous for the PERL unit). Don Tunney passed away from cancer that was either induced or triggered by dangerous radiation. In March 2008, as

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  • Le Cong Dinh

    VIETNAM: Lawyer and dissident writer arbitrary detained 16 June 2009 RAN 25/09 The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention of Le Cong Dinh, lawyer and dissident writer arrested on 13 June 2009. The authorities have charged him with ‘spreading propaganda against the state’, which carries a twenty

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  • Ingolf Håkon Teigene

    NRK journalist Ingolf Håkon Teigene døde i ung alder, bare 58 år gammel, den 12.06.2007. Han hadde skrevet maktkritiske bøker, og var den eneste journalist som engasjerte seg i den såkalte Taftø-saken, hvor en kvinnelig jurist fra norsk Utenriksdepartement ble tiet ved å bli stæsjet bort på asyl i årevis og neddopet: Som journalist i

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  • William Cooper

    One of the first to begin exposing the Government for what it truly is, William (Bill) Cooper was killed by authorities on 11/5/2001. ~ Author of “Behold a Pale Horse” William Cooper is the author of Behold A Pale Horse. The book has become the best selling underground book of all time. It is read

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  • Anthony John Hill

    Human (name): John Anthony Hill. Human (birth): Sheffield, England, 1948. Spirit-being (names): Muad’Dib / JAH / Elijah Myspace: As many of you will know, Muad’Dib is the producer of the film “7/7 Ripple Effect“, and He was arrested in Ireland for the ‘crime’ of sending DVD’s of the film to the judge and jury

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Dissident Net

A transparancy and non-corruption of justice or people activity by


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