Wednesday, 15/1/2025 | 6:27 UTC+2


  • Patrick J. Buchanan

    Patrick J. Buchanan and the Jews, by Joshua Muravchik January 1991 One definition of anti-Semitism, Patrick J. Buchanan observed in his syndicated column this past September, is ‘an embedded hatred of Jewish people, manifest in writing and conduct, . . . a grave sin, a disease of the heart, a variant of racism.’ But he

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  • Steve Jackson

    In 1990, role-playing inventor, Steve Jackson, was planning his newest game, which he would ultimately call the “Illuminati — New World Order” Game, or “INWO” for short. Jackson was creating a game that would hit very, very close to home, very close to the actual plan of the Illuminati to propel the world into the

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  • Randall N. Baer

    Below is an excellent book report (thanks to another website) along with an epilogue account of the suspicious circumstances of Randy’s untimely death just prior to taking his book to publication. Synopsis: Basically, Randall ascended so far in the metaphysical that he was writing best-seller books that had been given him through “automatic writing.” Then

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  • Tom Soobzokov

    The most notorious of these murders was the assassination of an American civil servant named Tom Soobzokov in Paterson N.J. in August of 1985.  Because Soobzokov had recently won a huge award in his $50 million lawsuit against New York Times Books and a Zionist propagandist named Howard Blum, he had been marked for death

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  • Spiro Agnew

    Spiro Agnew Knew About The Zionist Danger From Dick Eastman 10-24-10 “A tiny and closed fraternity of privileged men, elected by no one, and enjoying a monopoly sanctioned and licensed by government.” “The American people should be made aware of the trend toward monopolization of the great public information vehicles and the concentration of more

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  • Harry Hoxsey

    Harry Hoxsey never studied medicine, but inherited a herbal formula that his great grandfather had developed in about 1840 after watching his prize stallion cure itself of cancer by eating a variety of plants that the horse did not normally graze on while in pasture. He watched and gathered these herbs and used them to

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  • Henry H. Klein

    In his courageous defence of American patriots in the wartime sedition trials, Klein exposed the cancer that is devouring the world today. Klein said: “Communists control not only our government but our politics, our labor organizations, our agriculture, our mines, our industries, our war plants and our armed encampments….Anti semitism is a racket…”

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  • Frank Olson

    Frank Olson was an American citizen, born in 1910 and murdered in New York City in 1953 by the CIA. Here’s an outline of the case: Fort Detrick is the U.S. Army’s biowarfare facility, founded in 1943. Frank Olson was one of the first scientists to work there. From the final years of World War

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January 2025