Monday, 31/3/2025 | 10:20 UTC+2


  • Edgar J. Steele

    Attorney Edgar J. Steele, 64, was charged Friday – the same day the women were to be killed in a car crash meant to look like an accident, according to a probable-cause affidavit. A confidential witness occasionally employed by Steele met with the FBI Wednesday and told agents Steele would pay him to murder the

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  • Dariusz Ratajczak

    Excerpt from interview with Polish Historian Zionists Hounded to Death [On June 11, 2010 the badly decomposed body of Dariusz Ratajczak (left) was found in a parked car. A noted Polish historian, a Ph.D. and author of many books, he was hounded out of his job after questioning the Zionist conception of Polish history. His

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  • Pedro Varela

    Israel Shamir inform us in an email that his publisher in Spain; Don Pedro Varela, is arrested. He was arrested for publishing books with a political incorrect content. 08.03.2010 Ha was also arrested back in 2006. Police said than that they confiscated 5000 books. Books, not bombs. All kinds of sick pornography is still

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  • Henrik Holappa

    U.S. Federal authorities arrest Henrik Holappa, a Finnish nationalist for vocally opposing the African invasion of his country. There are nearly twenty million illegal immigrants in the United States today, by moderate estimates. Many of them are convicted felons, drug dealers, gang members, thieves, and murderers or rapists, or child molesters. ICE and the federal

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  • Gerhard Foerster

    Publisher Gerhard Foerster — a 78 years old man suffering from several illnesses, who needs a wheel chair to go around — got 12 months imprisonment and 53,000 SwF, assorted financial punishment. His crime: He was publishing the books of Jurgen Graf.

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  • Wolfgang Froelich

    Austrian engineer, Froelich, says gassings impossible as alleged Deposition of Wolfgang Froelich during the recent trial of Swiss revisionist Jurgen Graf (condemned to 15 months imprisonment and 18,000 SwF in monetary penalties for investigating the “Holocaust” in Russian archives and publishing the results, as well as a booklet titled “On the Decline of Swiss Freedom”).

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  • Hal Turner

    Thursday, June 04, 2009: Hal Turner Arrested [This is from Hal’s blog.] North Bergen, NJ (TRN) — At about 4:00 this afternoon, [June 3rd] Hal received a call from the North Bergen Police telling him to go to the police station because they had received a tip from a credible source about a death threat

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  • William Demser

    Donald Stahl and William Demser, two St. Louis activists were arrested on February 6 after the police caught them holding up a banner reading `911 was an inside job`. The case started out as ‘local trouble’, but turned into ‘state trouble’, because the duo decided to seek the help of the American Civil Liberties Union

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  • Donald Stahl

    Donald Stahl and William Demser, two St. Louis activists were arrested on February 6 after the police caught them holding up a banner reading `911 was an inside job`. The case started out as ‘local trouble’, but turned into ‘state trouble’, because the duo decided to seek the help of the American Civil Liberties Union

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  • Brendon O’Connell

    Brendon O’Connell, stalked, beaten, jailed and exiled For Speaking Out Against the Zionist lobby. Australian whistleblower, Brendon O’Connell ARRESTED in New Zealand for exposing the Australian government and the infiltration of Zionist elements.

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