Tuesday, 11/2/2025 | 2:54 UTC+2


  • Dariusz Ratajczak

    Excerpt from interview with Polish Historian Zionists Hounded to Death [On June 11, 2010 the badly decomposed body of Dariusz Ratajczak (left) was found in a parked car. A noted Polish historian, a Ph.D. and author of many books, he was hounded out of his job after questioning the Zionist conception of Polish history. His

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  • Michael Jackson

    Dissidents die young. Argument # 1: Dont sing or speak about love and peace and brotherhood in the world. That can get you killed. Michael Jackson died today the 26.06.2009, at age 50. The worlds leading conscience has left the scene. In the intervue by Oprah Winfrey he said he in now way thought that

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  • Kevin MacDonald

    In 1994, Kevin MacDonald’s writes his first book in what became his trilogy. It was titled ‘ A People that Shall Dwell Alone: An Evolutionary Theory of Judaism’. “There have been times when I have had to endure vicious charges of anti-Semitism” [ ] “But then came the SPLC and Heidi Beirich. Someone not connected

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  • Ole Østlund

    Ole Østlund var snu operasjonsleder for Alexander Kielland, men fikk sparken fordi han tok sin oppgave for alvorlig, og ville i motsetning til myndighetene til bunns i årsaksforholdet. Østlund mener at plattformen ble utsatt for internasjonal sabotasje, og at det var eksplosjon som senket henne. Det er fra flere hold reist tvil om den årsak

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  • Israel Shahak

    Israel Shahak (Hebrew: ישראל שחק‎, April 28, 1933 – July 2, 2001) was a Polish-born Israeli Professor of Chemistry at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the former president of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights, and an outspoken critic of the Israeli government. Shahak’s writings on Judaism have been the source of considerable controversy.

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  • Israel Shamir

    Israeli Jew who tells the truth about mistreatment of Palestinian. Israel Shamir is the one brave Jew that tells us as it is that the Jewish goal is not to take Palestine. They want to have the whole World he says, The Jewish New World Order. Their messianic age (the anti-Christ age). http://www.israelshamir.net

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  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford is more famous for his cars than for his book: “The International Jew“. Elisabeth Dilling says: The Jews have always used threats to gain their will. In 1917-18, Louis Marshall, then President of the American Jewish Committee, served notice on Henry Ford, Sr., to cease telling the truth about the Talmudists. When Ford

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  • Lyndon LaRouche

    LaRouche – Dissident to be assasinated: (Larouche was arrested by George Bush Sr. on bogus charges for trying to reform the bad economic system we have) From LaRouch Political action. Join for a better America; http://www.larouchepac.com Lyndon LaRouche a leading economist and expert that puts other economists to shame has first hand experience of predicting

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  • Kåre Torvholm

    Fiskefusk-avslører Kåre Torvholm, Moldtustranda har avslørt at fiskeomsetning har blitt unndratt avgiftsbelegging  i 17 – 18 år. Kåre Torvholm har ført bevis om økonomisk kriminalitet innen fiske og bankvesen m.m. Skandalen er kjent langt inn i  politikernes verden. Selv har undertegnede snakket med statsminister Jens Stoltenberg, og på spørsmål fra meg, bekreftet statministeren at han

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  • Kr. Almås (advokat)

    Dobbeltmoralens læremester Av advokat Kr. Almås (Også publisert i Østlendingen 9. Januar 1990) Ifølge Dagbladet vil A-sekr. Thorbjørn Jagland nå be Syse-regjeringen om økonomisk støtte til å lære de østeuropeiske land opp til demokratisk styring. Her hjemme har Jaglands eget A-parti helt siden 1945 hatt et intimt, grunnlovsstridig og hemmelighetsstemplet samarbeid med naziorganisasjonen CIA, som

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Dissident Net

A transparancy and non-corruption of justice or people activity by



February 2025