Friday, 28/3/2025 | 11:57 UTC+2


  • Edgar J. Steele

    Attorney Edgar J. Steele, 64, was charged Friday – the same day the women were to be killed in a car crash meant to look like an accident, according to a probable-cause affidavit. A confidential witness occasionally employed by Steele met with the FBI Wednesday and told agents Steele would pay him to murder the

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  • Per Aslak Ertresvåg

    Norwegian journalist and writer Per Aslak Ertresvåg in a pressconference today reveals that he have for awhile been an Targeted Individual, and he together with two other TI’s (Inventor Kristen Jarle Blindheim, Sykkylven and Inventor/Eng. Einar Langseth, Molde) will report crimes by PST (Police Secret Services) and Norwegian authorities for silence dissidents by means of

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  • Michael Jackson

    Dissidents die young. Argument # 1: Dont sing or speak about love and peace and brotherhood in the world. That can get you killed. Michael Jackson died today the 26.06.2009, at age 50. The worlds leading conscience has left the scene. In the intervue by Oprah Winfrey he said he in now way thought that

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  • James von Brunn

    Was Mr. James von Brunn set up, and taken out of circulation – by alleged murder in Washington Holocaust Museum, for writing such a book? Holocaust Museum Eyewitness: “One guard shot the other…”

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  • Ingolf Håkon Teigene

    NRK journalist Ingolf Håkon Teigene døde i ung alder, bare 58 år gammel, den 12.06.2007. Han hadde skrevet maktkritiske bøker, og var den eneste journalist som engasjerte seg i den såkalte Taftø-saken, hvor en kvinnelig jurist fra norsk Utenriksdepartement ble tiet ved å bli stæsjet bort på asyl i årevis og neddopet: Som journalist i

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  • Slobodan Milosevic

    This report from Slobodan Milosevic “trial” and assassination is in its entirety taken from Chapter 36 of Robin deRuiters book: “Worldwide Evil and Misery. The Legacy of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines“. Can be purchased here. Greatly recommended. “The small Serbia has shown that resistance is possible. This resistance was initially organized on a broad scale

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  • Mark Latham

    With ‘Fortress Americas’ now in tatters because of Russia’s coalition with Brazil and Venezuela, Wall Street’s neocons and other Zionist traitors will desperately try to avoid War Crimes Tribunals and the waiting hangman’s noose, by fleeing aboard special jets to a little-known Australian island. The rugged and beautiful island of Tamania is a wanted war

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  • Steinar Bastesen

    Som en av de eneste politikere i Norge har Bastesen våget å ta opp temaet om Bilderbergerne, elitens tenketank, i Stortinget spørretime (2003), hvor han spør om det er heldig for representantenes integritet å delta i internasjonale globaliseringsnettverk som dette. En tid før dette (2001) lå han nede for telling med hjerneslag mens han inntok

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  • Rolf Presthus

    “Det fremkommer på s. 655 [av boken Olav Njølstad. Jens Chr. Hauge. – Fullt og helt (2008)] at [Jens Christian] Hauge fikk et konfliktfylt forhold til høyremannen Rolf Presthus, på basis av et avisinnlegg Høyres Rolf Presthus hadde publisert i Dagbladet 13. desember 1978, om Presthus manglende tillit til Volvoavtalen på grunn de personene som

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  • Milbank Johnson

    Dr. Milbank Johnson, MD, was born in 1871. In the early 1930s Johnson became interested in the “Universal Microscope”, and later the “Rife Ray” machine, both invented by Royal Rife of San Diego. Studies done at Northwestern Medical School by Edward Rosenow, MD, were published showing the effectiveness of the Rife Microscope over conventional light

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